Power Suite Apps for Jira
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Power Scripts for Jira Cloud
Power Scripts for Jira Cloud
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Power Scripts for Jira
Power Actions for Jira
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Power Database Fields
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SIL Engine
SIL Connector Modules
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Power Actions Recipes
Power Scripts Recipes
Add an internal comment to Jira Service Desk request
Add a group as participants in Jira Service Desk
Add participants automatically to new Jira Service Desk requests
Adjust an estimate according to assignee
Assign issues to the previous assignee
Assign issues automatically based on workload
Assign an issue while maintaining the user load
Assign users based on a decision table using SIL™
Create a sub-task automatically based on custom field selection
Create story subtasks and close them when story is closed
Calculate the due date based on custom field values
Copy data from the parent issue
Copy the reporter and watchers on duplicate issues
Copy a custom field value to another field when changed
Copy watchers to sub-tasks
Create a Select All option in a dropdown list
Create a custom cascading dropdown field
Use validators based on date range
Set default values for system fields on the Create screen
Disable inline edits
Filter based on multiple criteria by using a non-Boolean JQL function
Hide the Create issue button until an attachment is added
Hide specific priorities for certain projects
Hide specific issue types for certain users
Compare two fields with custom JQL
Get the time spent by an issue in certain statuses
Hide fields for users with no developer role
Hide the comment field during a transition
Hide time-tracking information
Insight REST API
Perform searches with LDAP
Limit the number of characters in a text-entry field
Limit the assignee to a specific group
Limit the number of user votes per month
Map story points to hours and automatically log work on completion
Automatically move unresolved issues to next sprint and update story points
Automatically update the custom field ID and/or name in filters
Create custom JQL functions for nested issue reporting
Prepopulate fields during a transition
Replicate the native Jira email handler
Require users to log work before transitioning an issue
Ensure that issues have attachments
Require fields in subtasks
Use a workflow validator based on logged hours
Require the fix versions when resolving an issue
Reset a field
Prevent a select list from displaying certain values
Limit the issue type selection to specific users