Advanced Roadmaps

Advanced Roadmaps

This article describes the integration points and possible use cases of JQL Search Extensions with Advanced Roadmaps.

Advanced Roadmaps is a feature of Jira Premium that is used for project management and project portfolio management. You can leverage its power with the additional JQL keywords and functions provided by JQL Search Extensions.

Integration points

Scope definition

JQL Search Extensions helps define a precise scope of an Advanced Roadmaps plan. You can source issues with additional JQL keywords and Extended Search filters.

It’s possible, for example, to have a plan with a subset of initiatives or epics and their children. You will typically create the Extended Search filter for the board and reuse it in the plan.

To use a filter in Advanced Roadmaps:

  1. Create a filter in Extended Search.

  2. Select the filter in the plan configuration: Configure > Issue sources.

Check out the examples in the use cases section below.

External use

It’s a common requirement to access the contents of a plan outside of Advanced Roadmaps, for example, to create a report in a third-party app or tool.

If you define the scope with Jira filter, you can use this filter in:

  • dashboard gadgets

  • boards

  • Jira search - simply use this syntax filter="Your filter name"

  • Third-party apps that accept filters and JQL

Use cases

Source a subset of epics with their full hierarchy

You don’t need to add a whole Jira project to the scope of a plan. You can create a plan with selected epics and their stories and subtasks.

If you have a list of specific epic keys that should be in scope, run and save the following query as a filter and use it as a scope:

key in (EPIC-2, EPIC-5, EPIC-8) OR issue in childrenOfIssuesInQueryRecursive("key in (EPIC-2, EPIC-5, EPIC-8)")

You can also choose epics that specify some dynamic criteria, for example, the epics with labels:

(type=Epic and labels='myFeature') OR issue in childrenOfIssuesInQueryRecursive("type=Epic and labels='myFeature'")

The above query could be limited to one project or it can source the issues from multiple projects.

Source a subset of initiatives with their full hierarchy

This use case is similar to the previous use case with epics. You can create a plan with selected initiatives and all their children.

Use the childrenOfIssuesInQueryRecursive function:

key in (INT-2, INT-5, INT-8) OR issue in childrenOfIssuesInQueryRecursive("key in (INT-2, INT-5, INT-8)")

Or with more complex criteria:

(type=Initiative and labels='myVision') OR issue in childrenOfIssuesInQueryRecursive("type=Initiative and labels='myVision'")

Source issues linked to your project

You may want to create a plan that includes issues from your project and external issues linked to your project.

project=MYPROJ OR linksIssueProject=MYPROJ or linkedByIssueProject=MYPROJ

If you only want to include the issues linked with the particular link type, you can create run and save the following query as a filter:

project=MYPROJ OR issue in linkedIssuesOfQuery("project=MYPROJ", "is blocked by")

You can also get a full hierarchy of the linked issues by creating a nested filter:

  1. Create a filter with:
    issue in linkedIssuesOfQuery("project=MYPROJ", "is blocked by")
    and call it Blockers

  2. Create another filter that nests the first filter:
    project=MYPROJ OR filter="Blockers" OR issue in childrenOfIssuesInQueryRecursive("filter='Blockers'").

  3. Use the filter as your scope in the plan configuration.