• Verified
  • Extended Search

    Extended Search lets you search through your Jira instance using JQL with the additional functions included with JQL Search Extensions for Jira.

    1. In the top bar in Jira, select Apps > JQL Search Extensions. The Extended Search page displays in a new tab.

    2. In the query input field, type a JQL query and press Search or hit Enter.

    You can use additional functions provided by JQL Search Extensions. For example, to find all issues with a summary starting with “Hello”, type issue in wildcardMatch("summary", "Hello*").

    Video explains how to access the Extended Search feature as described on this page.

    Save the query as a filter

    You can save your Extended Search query as a Jira filter. After you perform your search, click Save the query as a filter.

    See Extended Search filters to learn more about using and sharing filters.

    Extended Search JQL functions

    For a full list of functions and keywords, including examples, see JQL functions and keywords reference.

    Permissions and feature availability

    The Extended Search page is available through the global permission that controls the visibility of the Extended Search feature. By default, this permission is granted to all Jira users.