JMWE for Jira Cloud 1.2.26-AC Release Notes
This version, released on Feb 19, 2024, brings the following changes:
JMWE Automation Rule Builder
The JMWE Automation Rule Builder is an improved editor for building and visualizing actions for Shared Actions, Scheduled Actions, and Event-based Actions. The new, two-panel layout simplifies the configuration of actions by separating the components of the action into categories on the left, and each category's configurations on the right. Using a WHEN-IF-THEN
format, each automation rule is clearly laid out and can be created or updated quickly.
Note: The new Automation Rule Builder is currently in limited release. Full availability will occur in a future update.
Other Improvements
This release includes other updates and improvements:
The new Automation Rule Builder includes a Feature Request form to provide feedback and ideas to the Development Team!
Updates to the Field Required Validator documentation to highlight appropriate use of the Parent field in validators.
Bug Fixes
The following bugs are fixed in this release:
During migration from Jira Server to Jira Cloud, Create Issue(s) post-functions could cause issues if they were configured to set fields that have not been migrated to Jira Cloud; migrated Create Issue(s) post-functions will no longer try to set non-existent fields in Jira Cloud.
The callRest Nunjucks filter did not support a timeout setting; this option has been added.
The Linked Issues Status Condition was incorrectly making transitions available when the current issue had multiple linked issues using different link types; the condition will now only display its configured transition when a linked issue of the configured link type has an issue in the configured status.
In the field Users under Criteria of the User Condition, selected user values could sometimes display
Invalid input
instead of the selected user’s name; this was a display issue and has been resolved.Firefox browser was not registering log entries in the Network tab; this has been corrected.