Build-your-own (scripted) Post-function

This post-function allows you to run an arbitrary Nunjucks template (script). This can be used to create your own post-functions.

To add the 'Build-your-own (scripted)' post-function to a transition: 

  1. Click Edit for the workflow that has the transition, you wish to add the post-function on.

  2. In the Workflow Designer, select the transition.

  3. Click on Post Functions in the properties panel.

  4. Click on Add post function.

  5. Select Build-your-own (scripted) post-function from the list of post-functions.

  6. Click on Add to add the post-function on the transition.

  7. Input an optional description in the “Description” field

  8. Input a Nunjucks template that needs to be executed

  9. Click on "Add post function".

When you add this post-function to a transition and trigger it, the specified arbitrary code gets executed.

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Figure 1 - Build-your-own (Scripted) post-function


JMWE shows an error message on the issue view if any error occurs during the execution of the post-function. This message is displayed only if the current user is a Jira administrator. 

Delayed execution