Assign issue(s)

Assign issue(s)

A workflow post-function that assigns the current issue or target issue(s) related to the current issue.

Note: This post function should not be added to a Create transition in your Jira workflow; issue assignment is not applicable until after an issue has been created!

To add 'Assign issue(s)' post function to a transition:

  1. Click Edit for the workflow that has the transition you wish to add the post-function on.

  2. In the Workflow Designer, select the transition.

  3. Click Post Functions in the properties panel.

  4. Click Add post function.

  5. Select Assign issue(s) from the list of post function.

  6. Click Add to navigate to the Assign issue(s) post function screen where you can add configuration details to the post function. See below for more information.

  7. Click on Add to add the post function to the transition. 

When you add this post-function to a transition and trigger the transition, the add-on checks the Select user field for the user or role to use for assignment, and the Assignment Behavior setting to verify that the post-function’s assignment should be utilized. The post-function will update the Assignee of the Target Issue appropriately. Additional configurations are available to more tightly control when the post-function will execute.

Please note: This post-function replaces the Assign to role member and Assign to last role member post-functions. These post-functions will not be removed at this time, but should not be used in any new extensions. Any workflows that use the deprecated extensions should be updated to use this post-function instead.

JMWE shows an error message on the issue view if any error occurs during the execution of the post-function. This message is displayed only if the current user is a Jira administrator. 

Issue(s) to operate on

Select the issues to set the assignee field on. They can be:

  • Target issues

    • Current issue: Select this option to set the assignee of the current issue. This is the default option.

    • Sub-tasks of the current issue: Select this option to set the assignee of sub-tasks of the current issue

    • Parent issue of the current sub-task: Select this option to set the assignee of the parent of the current issue

    • Issues that belong to the current issue (Epic): Select this option to set the assignee of issues that belongs to the current Epic

    • Epic of the current issue: Select this option to set the assignee of the Epic of the current issue

    • Child issues of the current issue in the Portfolio hierarchy: Select this option to set the assignee of child issues of the current issue in the Portfolio hierarchy

    • Parent issue of the current issue in the Portfolio hierarchy: