Comment linked issues (Deprecated)

Comment linked issues (Deprecated)

This post-function is obsolete. While you may continue using this post function, which will not be removed from JMWE, we recommend you use the more powerful Comment Issue(s) instead for new automations.

A workflow post-function that creates a comment on all issues linked to the current issue through a selected link type. The text of the comment to be created can be any simple text or a text with Nunjucks annotations.

To add 'Comment linked issues' post-function to a transition : 

  1. Click Edit for the workflow that has the transition you wish to add the post-function on.

  2. In the Workflow Designer, select the transition.

  3. Click on Post Functions in the properties panel.

  4. Click on Add post function.

  5. Select Comment linked issues from the list of post-functions.

  6. Click on Add to add the post-function on the transition.

  7. Select the link from the Issue Link Type drop-down.

  8. Input a comment in the Comment field.
    To input issue or linked issue or transition or current user information in the Comment field see, Using Nunjucks Templates.

  9. Select the options provided to add the required parameters.

  10. After adding, move the post-function to the appropriate position according to Placing post-functions in a transition document.

Here are a few Use cases for this post-function.

Known issues common to all post-functions:

Known issues specific to this post-function:

Troubleshooting this post-function configuration: In case the post-function does not work as expected these are the things to look out for

When you add this post-function to a transition and trigger the transition, the add-on picks the value entered in the Comment field and adds it as a comment on all the issues linked to the current issue through the selected link type. The Comment to be created can be any simple text, e.g. This is a comment. You can also use Nunjucks annotations to insert issue, linked issue, transition and current user information into the comment text, using the 'issue', 'linkedIssue', 'transition' and 'currentUser' variables, respectively. To find out more about these variables, see Using Nunjucks Templates.

Comment visibility

  • Restrict to Group: Restricts the visibility of the comment to a specified group. When you select a valid group name in the Restrict to Group field, the comment will be visible only to the members of the specified group. For no restriction, leave the field blank.

  • Restrict to Project Role: Restricts the visibility of the comment to a selected project role. When you select a project role from the Restrict to Project Role drop-down, the comment will be visible only to the members of the selected project role. For no restriction, leave the field blank.

  • Restrict to Internal (Jira Service Desk only): Restricts the visibility of the comment to the Service Desk Agents and Collaborators only.

Run As

  • Run as current user: The current user will be the author of the comment created on the linked issues by the post-function. 

  • Run as add-on user: The add-on user will be the author of the comment created on the linked issues by the post-function. 

  • Run as this user: Any user selected in this field will be the author of the comment created on the linked issues by the post-function. 

Conditional execution

To execute this post-function based on the result of a Nunjucks template see Conditional execution.

Delayed execution

Note that you can use this function to comment the:

  • parent issue of a sub-task by using the built-in is Subtask of link type and vice versa using the is Parent of link type

  • Epic of an issue by using the built-in belongs to Epic link type and vice-versa using the is Epic of link type

  • Parent of the portfolio hierarchy by using the belongs to Initiative link type and vice-versa using the is Initiative of link type