Escalate issues from Jira Service Management to Development

Escalate issues from Jira Service Management to Development

Jira is used by both the Jira Service Management (JSM) and Software Development teams. The JSM teams manage custom inquiries, incidents, reports, and issues and may often need to collaborate with the development teams. They need a process to send these issues with relevant information to development teams either for further analysis or bug fixes. The development teams in turn need to analyze, track, and plan for these issues.

Clone Plus easily solves this problem by letting the JSM agents to clone the Customer issues into tasks or bugs for development teams

For example, a customer has created a new request via JSM:

The JSM agent wants to send this request to the development teams to look at this issue and analyze further.


Ensure that your administrator has created a customised clone operation by following these steps:

  1. Create a new Clone Plus Customization using the Clone Plus Configuration properties. For example, create Create a Developer Ticket, Send to Developers, or Clone in Development Project using the following sample code.

    # Customization for clone 1 operation # When does this operation show on UI? Only for JSM Requests. 1.plus.condition.IS.*.* = true 1.plus.label = Create a Developer Ticket 1.plus.tooltip = Send this ticket to the Dev team # Set the summary to be like the default Clone operation by adding "CLONE - " 1.plus.set.summary = Customer Request - %original_summary% # Set the Default Dev Project 1.plus.project.*.*.*= DT
  2. Enable the Clone Plus Customization for Create a Developer Ticket. For more details, refer the How to enable and disable clone operations page.
    A new Clone Plus Customization is created. This customization allows the JSM agent to clone the existing issue into a software development project and choose a new issue type that is relevant for the development teams.


  1. Select a issue you want to clone in your Jira instance.

  2. In the top of the issue, click More > Create a Developer Ticket.

  3. In the Clone dialog box, select the target project and target issue type, and Click Next.

  4. In the Clone page, select the clone options and values for the fields as required.

  5. Click Create.
    The JSM request is cloned to the Development project.

  • By default, Clone Plus also creates an issue link between the existing JSM request and the bug created in the development project.

  • You can skip step 3 if your clone operation specifies exactly the project and issue type that should be created. You can use the base clone operation instead of the extended clone operation.


Additional Recommendations

You can use Update on Transition add-on to transition the JSM request or add a comment when the Developer team has resolved the issue.

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