Bulk clone issues in specific projects

This page provides details to bulk clone issues in specific projects. Your administrator can include or restrict the required project for bulk cloning.

For more details on bulk cloning, refer the Bulk Clone - Server page.


  1. Ensure your administrator has enabled the required custom clone operation in clone plus properties. For example, ensure the following condition has been added to enable Clone +1 custom clone operation:

    1.condition.*.*.*.* = true
  2. Ensure your administrator has included or restricted the required project for bulk cloning in clone plus properties. For example, ensure the following project conditioning has been added to include issues in the ZCLONE project and restrict issues in the REL project for bulk cloning:

    1.condition.ZCLONE.*.*.* = true 1.condition.REL.*.*.* = false

For more details, refer the Customization Information page.


  1. In the top navigation bar, click Issues > Search for issues to search for the issues you want to clone using advanced search or click Switch to basic next to the search bar for a basic search.
    For example, consider you want to include issues in the ZCLONE project and restrict issues in the REL project for bulk cloning.

  2. In the top-right corner, click Tools.

  3. Select Bulk Change > all 15 issue(s) for bulk cloning.

  4. On the Choose issues tab, select the issues you want to clone and click  Next.

  5. On the Choose Operation tab, select Bulk Clone (Clone Plus for Jira) and click  Next.

  6. On the Bulk Clone Details tab, do the following:

    1. In the Clone operation field, select the Clone +1 clone operation.

    2. In the Target project field, select the project to which you to clone the issues.

    3. In the Target Issue type field, select the issue type you want assign for the issues being cloned.

    4. In the Clone options section, click the required clone option.

    5. Click Next.

  7. On the Confirmation tab, review the Bulk Clone details and Issue to clone sections.

  8. Click Run Clone to clone the selected issues.
    The issues only in the ZCLONE project are cloned as configured. You can see the Bulk Clone Report with the following details:

  9. Click View clone(s) to view all the cloned issue(s).

  • On the Bulk Clone Details tab, you will see a warning message if you have selected any issues from a project that is not included for bulk cloning. In this example, you see a warning message that the issues selected in the REL project are not available for bulk cloning.

  • On the Confirmation tab, the Unavailable issues tab displays the issues from a project that is not included for bulk cloning. In this example, the Unavailable issues tab displays the issues selected in the REL project.

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