

The Backlog is a list of tasks such as new features, changes to existing features, bug fixes, infrastructure changes, or other activities a team may deliver to achieve a specific outcome. Backlog items in this section can be displayed as:

  • List of tasks (flat mode)

  • Hierarchy of tasks (Work Breakdown Structure mode)

You can display data at the upper level (for example, Program Increment level) and at the lower level (for example, Iteration level). The scope of the backlog can be adjusted to reflect the currently viewed Box:

To add tasks to the backlog go to Scope definition in Box configuration or use the '+' button in each of the Boxes to assign a task directly.

Task order - sorting

Tasks are displayed based on how they are organized within the Gantt/Scope modules. In the Board module, the backlog on the right allows you to rearrange tasks belonging to the same parent only - manually rearranging tasks in the backlog (by drag-and-drop) will cause changes to the structure within Gantt/Scope modules.

You can narrow down what is being displayed using Quick Filters and Search functionalities. 

Backlog and Scope module

Tasks in the backlog will reflect the order and hierarchy defined in the Scope module. For now, you can order your backlog items using the Scope module.

Switching  between upper-level and sub-Boxes

When you switch to a lower-level Box, you can narrow down the backlog items. You can choose the scope of the issues you would like to see in your backlog sidebar:

  • Context Box - show the full scope of the Box.

  • Sub-Box - narrows the scope to the task assigned to the visible first-level sub-Boxes (task need to be assigned to these Boxes in order to appear in the backlog).

For example, while viewing the Iteration level (Program increment is a parent Box type to an Iteration Box type), you can show the whole backlog.


or show items that were assigned to Program Increment 2 only:

Show planned tasks

Hide tasks that are already planned and displayed on the Board. Planned tasks are indicated with the color green, and unplanned tasks are not highlighted. 

Search box

When the WBS is enabled, parent issues that do not match the search query appear in the backlog as grey. All tasks that match the search query are in black.

Search will check the contents of all text fields of Jira issues and the issue key, such as:

  • Summary

  • Description

  • Environment

  • Comments

  • Custom fields

    • Free text field (unlimited text)

    • Text field (<225 characters)

    • Read-only text field

Both search fields function in the same manner.

Snipe to result

When you use the "Snipe to result" option, you are taken to each item that matches the search query. 

Manage columns

Configure the columns of the backlog sidebar by adding different fields and setting the display and aggregation options. To learn more visit Column Views as it works in a similar way.

A Box Admin sets the default column view. Box Editors and Box Viewers can modify columns visible for them and restore the column view to the one set by a Box Admin.

Save changes to all users

Box Admin role

A Box Admin can make changes in the column view without affecting the Box Editor/Viewer view.

To make changes in the column view visible to Box Editors and Box Viewers, a Box Admin needs to click on the “Save changes for all users” button.

Restore column view

Box Admin role

After adding or removing columns, a Box Admin can click the “Restore columns” button to return to the initial set. Once changes are saved, the “Restore columns” button becomes inactive.

Box Editor/Viewer role

Box Editors and Box Viewers can restore previously changed column views to the ones set by a Box Admin.

Manual hierarchy


The drag-and-drop option allows you to move and change the indentation of tasks manually.


Right-click on the task in the backlog to change the position (do NOT right-click on inline editable and key fields).
The following options are available:

  • Move to top

  • Move up

  • Move down

  • Move to bottom

It is NOT possible to change the indentation of tasks with the right-click menu.

Inline editing

Double-click to inline edit the text and number fields within the backlog.