Support for Atlassian Server Products (and apps like BigPicture) has ended in February 2024.

Are you planning a migration to Cloud? Make sure you don't lose your BigPicture data/configurations in the process. Check out this page for information on how to migrate BigPicture's data to Cloud. If you have any questions please email

App Configuration

Available Sections 

Accessing App Configuration

Only a Jira Administrator can access this page. 

There are four ways to access App configuration:

Method 1: "." (dot) context

If BigGantt is a Jira add-on, you can use the Jira "." shortcut to access the BigGantt configuration.

  1. Press the "." (dot) key shortcut. Jira to open Operations Dialogue. 

  2. Type in "BigPicture" to narrow down results:

  3. Click on "BigPicture configuration" to go directly to app settings in Jira:

Method 2: App settings (wrench icon)

In every Box, there is a wrench icon at the top right. Click on it and select "App configuration". This icon is present in all Box modules and the Box configuration.  

Method 3: app drop-down menu

Select "App configuration" from the App drop-down menu at the top:

Method 4: Jira administration drop-down

Click the Jira cog at the top right and select "Manage apps" from the list:

Next, navigate to BigPicture configuration: