Release notes 3.3



Create Multiple Issues or Subtasks

This ability to create multiple similar issues or subtasks with one configuration is especially important when the number to create is dependent on information from the original or parent issue. For example, creating one subtask for each fixed version for an issue. See How to create multiple issues or How to create multiple issues - advanced example for more details.

JQL Query Substitution Variables

An option to run a JQL query has been added. The results of the query can be used as substitution variables for conditioning, setting field values, and creating multiple issues. How to create multiple issues - advanced example shows how this can be used.

jql_result_countNumber of issues returned by the query
jql_result_listComma separated list of issue keys returned from the query
jql_result_nThe issue key for the nth issue returned from the query where n is a numberBlank if n is not in range for the issue list

Group and Role Substitution Variables

Additional substitution variables that can help with conditioning, setting field values, and creating multiple issues.

group_<group name>Comma separated list of user ids for members in the groupExample: group_jira-users
role_<role name>Comma separated list of user ids for users that are role actors for the project of the original issueExample: role_developers
user_idUser id of the user that initiated the transition

Improvements and Fixes

  1. Fix for sibling create getting wrong parent.
  2. More consistent and documented substitution variables.
  3. Support multi-line custom fields.
  4. Allow ids for issue security lookup.

Resolved Issues

type key summary reporter assignee priority status resolution

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