Release notes 4.1



For JIRA 5.2 and above.

Common workflow capabilities

Check out how some of the powerful capabilities of this add-on that are now shared with other workflow add-ons: Common workflow capabilities.

Acting User Support

As a workflow designer, you have to think about the users that run the transitions and the permissions they have to have to do some of the things you want the transition to accomplish. This support allows you to have the action work as if it is being done by another user. This means that different permissions can apply. The authentication context is not changed, just permissions evaluated according to the acting user. For instance, the initiating user may not have create issue permission in the project you want. Similarly, for things like setting assignee and watchers. It also allows substitution variables and settings related to who is the transition user to be change to the acting user. A new substitution variable is available if you still need to access the real user: %transition_user_id% and %transition_user_name%. The default is to have the acting user to be the same as the transition user, so everything defaults as before.

An example use case is the ability to create issues in an internal project (restricted) when a customer creates an external issue or progresses an issue for an escalation for instance. In this case you may configure the acting user to be %entry_project_lead% which will act like the internal project lead created the internal issue.




  1. Option for automatic assignee based on project and component configuration.
  2. More substitution variables like %original_project_lead%.
  3. Fixes - see below.



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