Transition logs

This page lists all the workflow transition log messages with the date created, level, issue number, and message description details. You can see detailed information on what went wrong or which issues have been created or updated while processing workflow transitions that use the app.

You can:

  • Filter the log messages using the search fields by:

    • Text - Enter text as required in the Search field.

    • Start date, End date - Select the dates from the calendar to fetch the logs between the mentioned dates.
      Click Search to filter the results as intended or Clear filter to refresh the list to the default values.

  • Move to the next page by clicking the page number or next icon on the right bottom corner of the messages list.

  • Click Refresh to view the latest logs or Delete all to delete all the logs.

  • The transition logs are stored as part of the data of a Jira issue. Access (read & write) is protected by Jira’s permission schemes. Only users who can modify an issue ('Edit Issues' permission) can also delete its transition logs. Based on Jira’s permission schemes, the non-admin user can also delete these logs.


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