Update issues - Cloud


The Update issues post function can update one or more issues or subtasks. Issues can be explicitly listed or derived from custom fields or a JQL query. A common example would be to use a JQL query and the substitution variable %jql_result_list%. Regex pattern matching conditions determine whether the issues will be changed or not. The JQL is either run once (default) or once for each issue being updated (when the query contains the %entry% substitution variable).

The configuration of this post function is streamlined by grouping all configuration settings into various tabs for easy access:

  • ISSUE FIELDS - Allow you to define the contents of one or more fields when an issue is updated by this post function. Substitution variables can then be used to populate fields. Issue Fields are grouped into the following common categories:

    • Basic Fields - includes fields that are most commonly used when updating an issue in Jira.

    • Detailed Fields - includes details associated with the issue, people involved, and dates.

    • Links - includes details of issue links and link types.

    • Comments & attachments - includes details about how you want to handle comments and specifics associated with attachments.

    • Custom Fields - controls whether to copy custom fields and allows you to define values for new custom fields.

  • OPTIONAL RULES - Allow you to define the additional criteria for when and how to update the issue(s). Optional Rules are grouped into the following category:

Conditions & configuration - Define one or more conditions for when to update the issue(s), use JQL to define substitution variables to be used to populate other fields, and set the acting user for updating the issue. 

  • HELP - Provides quick links to troubleshooting and additional documentation.

  • When updating an issue different than the issue being transitioned, fields that you are planning to update must be on the edit issue screen for the user doing the transition (or acting user if specified).

  • If you need to update the same issue that's being created on the create issue transition, ensure the post function is placed towards the end of the list of post functions, especially after the update to the database action.

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