Create a Jira Issue from Salesforce
This page guides you on creating a Jira issue from a Salesforce Object.
By creating a Jira issue from Salesforce, you can easily communicate with teams in Jira by bringing the same information from the Salesforce object to a Jira issue.
For example, when a Salesforce agent needs to escalate a Case to the development team in Jira, they can create the Jira issue from inside the Case and:
Set the Jira issue priority to High, matching the Case's priority High.
Set the Jira issue component to UI, matching the Case Reason Installation.
Review the information being sent to Jira, before creating the Jira issue.
Your administrator has completed a project binding and entity and field mappings in Jira.
Your administrator has configured the Visualforce pages required for the Object.
Creating a Jira Issue
In a Salesforce object, click Create.
If you're using Salesforce Classic, click Create Jira Issue.
The Create Jira Issue window appears.
Choose the desired Jira Project and Issue Type.
All field and value mappings set by your administrator will be used to create the Jira issue.
You may choose to toggle the following options:
(Some combinations are not possible and cannot be selected. Refer to the help provided under the What Will Happen? panel.)View Only - Manual and automatic synchronization will be disabled
Auto Pull - Changes to the association Jira issue will be pulled automatically to this object
Auto Push - Changes to this object will be pushed automatically to associated Jira issues, given respective triggers are installed
You can also choose what to do after the Jira issue is created by choosing from the following options:
Do nothing
Pull from Jira
When you are satisfied, click Create.
Alternatively, click Review & Create to review the fields and values to be sent to Jira.
You can always add, edit, or delete the values if you need. See Notes on Supported Fields for more information.Upon successful creation, Issue created successfully message will be shown.
Notes on supported fields
The Review & Create dialog box will:
Render fields that appear in the original Create Issue dialog in Jira, respective to the project and issue type selected.
Show fields regardless mapped or not.
Automatically populate the field value if it's part of the value mapping set by your administrator.
Render fields of these types:
Text fields like Summary and Description
Select lists
Radio buttons
Date Time
Render the following fields in the following order (after which, any other fields would be rendered in no specific order):