Content Expiry Workflow

The Content Expiry workflow builds on the Basic Approval Workflow adding an Expired state after a set period of the page being approved:

The workflow consists of four states

Initial Workflow Setup

The workflow requires an initial setup to set the expiry period for the Approved state. 

The workflow has a default expiry period of 5 months.

This workflow can be used to prevent approved content from "going stale" by automatically moving the state to an expired state for a review after a specified time period.

View-only users are directed to the most recent version of the Approved content whilst the draft content is updated and sent for further review. 

Expiry of approved content

Approved state

The Approved content (for the default value of the workflow parameter) expires 5 months after the time the content transitioned into this Approved state

  • the value of the expiry period is stored by the workflow as an editable parameter value

If the parameter value is changed, the expiry period is applied the next time the content transitions into the Approved state - the expiry period will be for this version of the approved content.

If the content is updated whilst in the Approved state, the period is reset to the stored parameter value and begins again from the time of the next transition into the Approved state.

Content Reviews

The workflow has a content review in each of the Review, Expired, and Rejected states.

Individual or multiple reviewers can be assigned to each occurrence of a content review in each state.

Review state

Transitions are subject to an approve or reject decision.

  • one or more reviewers can be assigned using the workflow popup

  • an Approve decision transitions the workflow to the Approved state

  • a Rejected decision transitions the workflow to the Rejected state

Rejected state

in the Rejected state, a transition occurs on an approve decision by a reviewer. A rejection decision causes no transition but is recorded by the workflow.

A transition will also occur if content in the expired state is updated.

Expired state

The approve and reject decisions of a reviewer transition the state.

  • one or more reviewers can be assigned using the workflow popup

  • an Approve decision transitions the workflow to the Approved state

  • a Rejected decision transitions the workflow to the Rejected state

If the content in the Expired state is edited and saved, the content transitions back to the initial Review state for further consideration.

Comala Document Control workflows

The Content Expiry Workflow is one of three installed workflows for use in Comala Document Control, each with different states and transitions.

The other included workflows are