Release notes 3.5.0

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Release date: Sep 19, 2024

Our team is thrilled to announce the latest release of Configuration Manager Cloud Migration Tool, 3.5.0.


New custom event messages

We’ve added new messages that appear if you try to migrate a custom event that’s not already present on the destination Jira instance. This way, we reduce the chances of a migration failure.

Support for satisfaction survey settings

Cloud Migration Tool can now migrate satisfaction survey settings from a source Jira Server/Data Center instance to a Jira Cloud site.

Support for JSM portal settings

Cloud Migration Tool can now migrate Jira Service Management (JSM) portal settings from a source Jira Server/Data Center instance to a Jira Cloud site.

Support for Jira 9.17 and JSM 5.17

Cloud Migration Tool is now compatible with Jira 9.17 and Jira Service Management 5.17.

Bug fixes

The following bugs were fixed in this release:

App users

We've addressed a problem that was causing app users (the system-generated users created by your apps to perform specific actions) to appear in the analysis report.

Issue type creation

We’ve fixed an issue that was causing failures when creating issue types during a migration.

Fetching request types and organizations

We’ve fixed a bug that was appearing when trying to fetch too many request types or organizations.

Too many requests

We’ve addressed an issue that was occurring when too many requests were made to the Jira instance.

Project component creation

We’ve fixed a bug that caused failures when creating certain project components on the destination instance during a migration.

Project version

We’ve fixed a bug that was causing Cloud Migration Tool to fetch the wrong project version during a migration, thus failing the migration process.

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  • Explore exciting features, pricing updates, reviews, and more on the Marketplace.

  • Stuck with something? Raise a ticket with our support team.

  • Do you love using our app? Let us know what you think here.

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A heartfelt thank you to our valued customers! Your incredible support and feedback inspire us to improve our apps and products continually. You are the driving force behind why we create software. We appreciate your trust in Configuration Manager Cloud Migration Tool!