

In a Confluence Data Center instance site with Comala Document Management installed you’ll find an onboarding feature with an interactive demonstration, a Get Started option to apply your first workflow, popular use case sample workflows, and much more.


The onboarding includes

  • links to support and resources

  • interactive app demos

  • Get Started option to apply a workflow

Open the onboarding feature by using

  • the Confluence top bar menu Document Management


The onboarding screen includes links to

  • Get Started option to apply your first workflow

  • product guide documentation

  • interactive demonstrations

  • popular use cases

  • other app resources

  • support


Interactive demo

See the app in action in an interactive demo.

View the app in use as either

  • a space administrator to apply a space workflow to all pages and blog posts in a space


  • a Confluence user with edit permission for a page to apply a workflow to a page

Get Started

As a space administrator, use the Get Started option to quickly apply a workflow to all the content in a selected space.

The Get Started option displays a dialog box with options to select a space to apply a Comala workflow to all the pages in the space.

Dropdown menu options are filtered to spaces based on your Confluence space administrator permissions.

As a space administrator

  • select a space to apply a workflow. to all the pages and blog posts in the space

    • Spaces option filters available spaces based on whether the current user has admin permission

    • Configure a Workflow opens the selected space document management dashboard to enable a space workflow and apply to the page and blog posts in the space

The Get Started - Quick Approval workflow is added to the space document management dashboard in the selected space and applied to the space pages and blog posts.


Choose the ellipsis menu for the workflow to view this three-state workflow in workflow builder visual editor.

The Popular use cases in the onboarding screen also allow you to apply a different workflow to a selected space to illustrate and explore the use case.

Popular use cases

Three use cases of workflow use are included in the onboarding dashboard.

Each use case is illustrated using a different sample workflow.

  • choose Apply Workflow

  • select a space

The use case workflow is added to the document management dashboard in the selected space in your instance and applied to all the pages and blog posts in the space.

Review and Approval - Pending reminders

management efficiency clear communication meeting Quality Benchmarks

The Review and Approval - Pending reminders workflow is designed to streamline the process of document creation, review, and approval within teams.

  • an initial workflow state that is a Draft stage where creators can develop and refine their content

  • documents move from Draft to the In Review stage for thorough examination and feedback by assigned reviewers

  • the final Approved stage signifies that the document has met all quality and compliance standards

The workflow facilitates timely reviews with custom email notifications and informational panels. All of these can be personalized using the space settings.

Compliance - SOP Approval

complianceTEAM Communication UPDATING METADATA

The Compliance - SOP Approval workflow is designed to manage a two-stage review process before publishing content for wider viewing, tracking, and displaying key document data on the page as the process progresses.

  • in the initial Draft stage, the document is created and drafted

  • in the SOP stage, the document undergoes validation by an assigned manager

  • the SOP Validation is a second review stage and final sign-off approval to publish the document

  • in the Published stage, the approved document is now available and visible to the intended audience

The use case workflow updates key tracking data stored as metadata and displays these on the page.

Each stage updates the displayed data to indicate the document management progress.

The workflow also adds and removes content labels for the page based on the current stage of the documentation process.

Same Space Publishing


The Same Space Publishing workflow is designed to manage the visibility and editing permissions of the page through different stages, ensuring that content progresses smoothly from creation to publication, and if necessary, to archival.

  • when a page is first created, it enters the Draft state. In this state, the page is completely hidden from other users. Only the creator can view and edit. This stage allows for initial content development without external visibility

  • the creator can submit the page to the Ready state for review once the Draft is complete. An assigned reviewer can then view and edit the page alongside the creator. This stage facilitates collaboration and quality control before public release

  • after the page has been reviewed and approved, it moves to the Published state. Restrictions are lifted, allowing all users to view the page. Edit permissions are reset, and are based on the space access permissions

  • pages can be moved to the Archive state, where they are preserved for record-keeping. In this final state, only Confluence administrators can view and edit, safeguarding the content from further changes