FAQs - upgrading to document activity



Users can continue working with Comala Document Management and choose the time of upgrade for the data on a space by space after the release of Comala Document Management 7.0.

After installing v7.0+ the following spaces will use document activity when a workflow is applied

  • a new space

  • an existing space that did not have a workflow previously applied to any document in the space

  • Yes, an upgrade may be appropriate without a pre-upgrade check if the global administrator has undertaken these checks in a staging environment or similar and is confident of success.

  • No, if an upgrade has failed. A pre-upgrade check will need to be run for that space before reattempting the upgrade

Both the pre-upgrade checks and the data upgrade can be undertaken in the same action if there are no errors in the pre-upgrade check for a space.

  • number of spaces in the instance

  • number of selected spaces in an upgrade - long running tasks are run in parallel

  • number of pages with previous workflow activity history in each space

  • number of activities

These may affect your decision on planning the data upgrade as Read Only Mode must be enabled to upgrade the data. The pre-upgrade checks can be run without the need to enable Read Only Mode.

  • on updating your site to Comala Document Management 7.0+, these spaces will have Document Activity automatically enabled

  • new spaces will have document activity automatically enabled

Document activity data upgrade guide

Administration Comala Document Management 7.0+