Adding page activity to email

Adding page activity to email


This example shows how to use a trigger with the send-email macro to send a custom email notification that includes the pageactivity macro, or a link to the Activity Report - Content.

Including a link

To include a link, use the @pageactivity@ Predefined reference:

{workflow:name=Email activity link} {state:Editing|submit=Review} {state} {state:Review} {state} {trigger:statechanged|state=Review} {send-email:user=@author@|subject=@pagetitle@ submitted for review|mimetype=text/html} The @type@ @pagelatest@ has been submitted for review by @user@. For details, see: @pageactivity@ {send-email} {trigger} {workflow}

Including the report

To include the report, use the pageactivity macro in the email body:

{workflow:name=Email activity link} {state:Editing|submit=Review} {state} {state:Review} {state} {trigger:statechanged|state=Review} {send-email:user=@author@|subject=@pagetitle@ submitted for review|mimetype=text/html} {pageactivity:maxentries=5} {send-email} {trigger} {workflow}

The report displayed in the body of the email will display

  • only the last three page activities, and

  • a link to the page activity report for the content

Adding the report or a link to the report is useful to include in a custom notification when assigning a reviewer.

{trigger:pageapprovalassigned|approval=Review} {send-email:user=@approvalassignees@|subject=@pagetitle@ submitted for review|mimetype=text/html} @page@ requires your approval with recent activity @pageactivity@ {send-email} {trigger}


When used in an email, the report (or link to it) will always be included in the message regardless of who the email is sent to.

If your workflow uses same-space publishing, the activity report will only list entries up to and including the most recently published version of the content for recipients without edit permission for the content.