Workflow for Cloud translator
The Workflow Translator for Cloud is an option in the server and data center workflow builder navigation panel to support your cloud migration.
The tool provides a simple way to support the recreation of a custom workflow from the server app into Atlassian Confluence cloud-compatible workflow for use in your Confluence Cloud site.
Workflow Translator for Cloud
Any elements or parameters in the workflow that cannot be translated are listed in the Untranslated Macros dialog box in Workflow Translator for Cloud.
Using workflow translator
Workflow translator for the cloud lets you translate the workflow template markup to a cloud-compatible JSON code workflow template. You can then add this workflow to a space in your Cloud site by pasting a copy of the JSON template code into the code editor.
Unsupported workflow elements
Some workflow elements are not translated to cloud-compatible JSON code or included in the workflow cloud-compatible code. These include
Unsupported workflow parameters
Some workflow parameters are not translated to cloud-compatible JSON code or included in the workflow cloud-compatible code. These include
Workflow elements with different features in cloud
Some workflow elements are translated by the tool, but they have different functionality in the cloud. After adding the translated workflow in the cloud, you need to apply the workflow and review the workflow functionality on the page.
The following features have a different functionality:
the assignment of reviewers for an approval
workflow final state functionality - a final state in the cloud workflow does not add or change restrictions on who can view the workflow draft version content or the workflow approved version content
workflow triggers - the cloud has different workflow events, conditions, and actions. Workflow triggers with supported events in the cloud are translated, and some trigger actions are also translated
triggers with unsupported events are not translated
triggers with supported events can include empty conditions and actions if these are unsupported in the cloud
The translation of workflow triggers is available in v7.6.3 and later.
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