Integration for server-to-server app data migration

Who can use this information

  1. App vendors who want to allow their customers to move app configuration and data from one Jira Server/DC instance to another.

  2. Developers who want to integrate apps with Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ) for app data and configuration migration purposes.

  3. Jira customers who develop apps for internal usage and want to move the app configuration and data between Jira Server/DC instances.

Integration for moving app data between Jira Server/DC instances

To allow customers to migrate your server app’s configuration and data, you can integrate it with our Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ) app. This integration happens by implementing app-specific endpoints of our Service Provider Interface (SPI).

The SPI for integrating server and DC apps with CMJ is called Server SPI.

How it works

For the server-to-server app data and configuration migration, you must integrate the app with CMJ using the Server SPI.

This integration happens by implementing a set of endpoints exposed by the Server SPI. Vendors' development teams must implement only the endpoints specific to their apps.

The SPI also provides a collect-and-resolve mechanism that allows:

  • collecting references to other configuration elements on the source Jira and

  • resolving them on the target instance.

For example, the app data might reference other workflows, custom fields, filters, etc., on the source Jira instance. The diagram below illustrates the collect-and-resolve process.

Implementation steps

This section will guide you through the prerequisites and implementation steps of the Server-to-Server app data migration integration type.

High-level phases of implementing SPI

  1. Initial setup: Ðœake an initial configuration of the Service Provider Interface (SPI).

  2. Implement app-specific SPI interfaces: Implement SPI interfaces to support configurations and data specific to your app.

  3. Check the App Integrations page in CMJ to verify your app is successfully integrated.

  4. Contact our team to add your app to our List of all integrated apps.

How app data migration between Jira Server/DC instances with SPI works

  1. Data is exported from the server via the Server SPI.

  2. Data is imported into the server via the Server SPI.