Tableau Server (Cloud Jira)

To setup scheduled refreshes inside Tableau Server, the base Connector URLs needs to be whitelisted

Base connector URLs to be whitelisted for Jira Cloud are

Instructions for Tableau Server version 2018.1 and below

  1. Open terminal window (Command prompt on Windows)

  2. Change to Tableau server installation/bin directory (Example on windows: cd C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\10.3\bin)

  3. Enter command as follows

    tabadmin whitelist_webdataconnector -a tabadmin whitelist_webdataconnector -a


  4. Restart Tableau Server

    tabadmin restart

Instructions for Tableau Server version 2018.2 and above

With Tableau Server 2018.2, tabadmin utility has been replaced with tsm utility. More information can be found here: Comparing Functionality of tabadmin and TSM

  1. Open terminal window (Command prompt on Windows)

  2. Change to Tableau server installation/bin directory (\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\packages\bin.<version>)

  3. Enter commands as follows

    tsm data-access web-data-connectors allow -r true tsm data-access web-data-connectors add -n "AIO_Tableau_Connector_Jira_1" --url --secondary*,* tsm data-access web-data-connectors add -n "AIO_Tableau_Connector_Jira_2" --url --secondary*,*
  4. Apply changes and restart Tableau Server

  5. After restart, confirm that the URLs have been whitelisted

For more information please refer to TSM Web Data Connectors