Attributes for asset types

Attributes for asset types

This page is about Assets & Inventory Plugin for Jira Cloud. Using Server or Data Center? Click here.

Attributes are the fields of an asset type, just like Jira custom fields. The Attributes page allows you to create, edit, delete, and manage attributes that can be associated with different asset types.

It is important to note that attributes are global, meaning that any updates or deletions will affect all the asset types that use the attribute. Therefore, it is recommended not to change multi-value attribute options if they are being used in an asset.

The Attributes screen.
  1. List of Attributes – This section gives Name, Description, Attribute Type, and Value information for each attribute.

  2. + Attribute – Click to add a new attribute.

  3. Click this button to see the asset types that are using this attribute. Then you can click the asset type to view it in Asset Type Collections page in detail.

  4. . . . – Click to reveal Edit and Delete options.

Create a new attribute

  1. Click the + Attribute button on the Attributes page. The New Attribute screen appears.

  2. Enter a unique name and a description.

  3. Select the attribute type that you want to create. Here are the attribute types available:

Attribute Type


Attribute Type


Asset list field

This attribute type allows you to link assets to other assets. You can select a field type (Single or Multi) and asset type (Employee, Laptop, License, etc.).

Date field

This attribute type allows you to add a custom date field to an asset.

Jira group field

This attribute type allows you to select a Jira group as an attribute. You can specify whether the attribute is multi-valued or not.

Jira user field

This attribute type allows you to select a Jira user as an attribute. You can specify whether the attribute is multi-valued or not.

Number field

This attribute type allows you to add a numeric field to an asset. You can specify if the field will have decimals or not, how many decimal digits it will have, and what its range will be.

Select field

This attribute type allows you to create a list of options for an attribute. The options are:

  • Boolean

  • Checkbox

  • Dropdown list (single choice)

  • Dropdown list (multi choice)

  • Radio button

Text field

This attribute type allows you to add a text field to an asset. You can specify the line length (single line or multi lines, which sets whether it's a text field or text area field), the maximum character length (which can be written in the field), and the validation method.

The validation method validates the value written in the asset. Available validation methods are:

  • No validation – Don’t use a validation method.

  • Pre-defined validation – Use Email, Phone Number, URL, or IP information to validate.

  • Custom validation – You’ll need to insert your regex. Learn more about regex here.

For example, if you pick Text field and the Email validation method, you’ll need to enter a valid email when filling out that attribute in the asset.

  1. Select the Create another attribute checkbox if you want to continue adding attributes and don't want to be redirected to the Attributes screen after saving.

  2. Click Save.

After creating the attribute, you can add it to an asset type on the Asset Type Collections screen.


Let’s check out some examples to better understand attribute types:

Select field attribute





Text field attribute


Validation method is Phone number, which means the user needs to fill in a valid phone number and can only use numbers.


Add an attribute to an asset type

  1. Click Asset Type Collection from the top navigation bar, and open the asset type collection you want to add the attribute to.

  2. Open the asset type you want to add the attribute to.

  3. Click the search box and the attributes dropdown will appear.

  4. Create a new attribute (as explained above), or pick an attribute from the list. Click to add it to the attribute list.

The attribute will now appear in the asset type. Alternatively, you can add new attributes on the New Asset screen as well.