Asset navigator

Asset navigator

This page is about Assets & Inventory Plugin for Jira Cloud. Using Server or Data Center? Click here.

The Asset navigator screen is a powerful tool that allows you to manage assets within JIRA using the Assets and Inventory Plugin. On this screen, which can be accessed by clicking Asset Navigator from the top navigation bar, you can control the entire lifecycle of your assets by displaying, editing, deleting, and linking them to each other.

Users need Browse Assets asset permission to see assets on the Asset Navigator.


Asset Navigator has multiple options to search for assets. Fields for filtering searches are:

  • Search assets – Enter a name to search for assets.

  • Asset Type Collection – Filter which asset type collections you want to see by clicking or .

  • Asset Type – Filter which asset types you want to see by clicking or .

  • Asset Name – While Jira Query Language (JQL) is not supported for searching within the AIP, users can leverage the Field Configuration options - "Is", "Is not", "Is empty", and "Is not empty" - and Filter Configuration (the asset name) to search for assets.

  • Assignee – Search for a user name to view the assets that have them as the assignee. You can search for and add multiple assignees.

  • More Fields – Use Global Attributes and Attributes to filter assets with Field and Filter configurations. You can add several attributes and use the configurations accordingly, as well as search for users and add them.



Once your fields are ready, you can click Search to view the results. Clicking Reset will get rid of your current filter configurations.

Asset search

  • You can leverage wildcard characters for more flexible searching:

    • Use an asterisk * to represent any number of characters following specified letters. For example, searching for op* will return results like opera or opportunity.

    • Use a question mark ? to match a single unknown character. For example, searching for plan? will return results like plan, plant, or plane.

  • Exact Match Search: Surround your search term with double quotes " to perform a case-sensitive exact match search. This is ideal for finding assets with a specific name or identifier.

  • Partial Match Search: For broader searches, enclose your term in single quotes ' to conduct a partial match search. This will return assets containing the specified text, regardless of the case.

Asset list

The Asset List section provides users with an overview of all assets within their Jira instance. From this section, users can view all their assets, add new assets by clicking on the + Asset button, and choose to sort the asset list by various parameters, including create date, asset name, asset key, and status.

Users can access more detailed information about each asset by clicking on the corresponding asset in the list. This will bring up a detailed view of the asset, which includes information such as its asset type, location, status, and any associated comments or attachments.

Asset information

The Asset Information section provides users with a detailed view of the selected asset, including all relevant information about the asset. From this section, users can edit the asset by clicking on the Edit button, which will bring up a form that allows users to update any relevant information about the asset, such as its name, attributes, or status.

Users can also attach files to the asset by clicking on the Attach button, which will allow them to upload and attach files directly to the asset. The attachments of the asset will appear below.

Similarly, users can link the asset to another asset by clicking on the Link asset button, which will enable them to create a relationship between the selected asset and another asset within the Jira instance, such as “owned by”, “reports to”, or “installed”.

Additionally, users can access a range of other options by clicking on the three-dot icon, which reveals a dropdown menu with options such as "Assign to me", "Assign to a user", "Check-in", "Clone", and "Delete". These options provide users with a range of powerful tools for managing assets within the Jira instance, such as assigning ownership of an asset to a specific user.

  • Assign to me – This option allows you to assign the ownership of the asset to yourself. For example, if you started using a laptop, you can click this to assign the laptop asset to yourself. This action will change the asset’s status to IN USE.

  • Assign to a user – This option allows you to assign the ownership of the asset to another user. This action will change the asset’s status to IN USE.

  • Check-in – This option is used to indicate that an asset has been returned or checked in. It is typically used in scenarios where assets are checked out for temporary use, such as equipment or devices. Click to unassign the asset from yourself, and the asset's status will change to IN STOCK.

  • Clone – This option enables you to create a copy of the selected asset within the Jira instance. This can be useful for creating backups or for creating similar assets with minor differences. When you click Clone, the New Asset popup will appear and you’ll be able to edit the newly cloned asset accordingly.

  • Delete – Click to delete the asset. Note that this action is permanent and cannot be undone, so it should be used with caution.

Linked assets panel

When you click Link asset to establish a relationship between two assets, the Linked assets panel will appear. Here you can create as many links between assets as you want.

Once the link is established, you can view all of the linked assets in the Linked Assets panel, including the Asset Key, Asset Name, Asset Type, and Link Type information. You can delete a linked asset by clicking the icon next to the asset.

Attachments panel

The Attachments panel appears when you attach a file to an asset by clicking on the Attach button in the Asset Information section of the Asset Navigator. This section displays the file name, size, and date information of all attachments associated with the selected asset.

To delete an attachment, simply click on the trash can icon next to the attachment. To add a new attachment, click the plus icon on the right-hand side of the screen.

Asset history

The Asset History section displays the entire history of the selected asset, including all changes made to it and by whom. This section provides users with a comprehensive overview of the asset's lifecycle and enables them to track all modifications made to the asset over time.