Monthly view

7pace Timetracker has a Monthly View for tracking and editing time. To access this view, click Apps > Timetracker > Monthly.

Watch the video

Review the following video for more details and examples.

Monthly view

7pace Timetracker has a Monthly View for tracking and editing time. To access this view, click Apps > Timetracker. Then, in the left-hand pane, select Monthly.

In the left-hand pane, click the Monthly link

Here, your time displays for each day of the month, for example, 8 hours on Tuesday, November 5.

A view of the Monthly page in 7pace Timetracker for Jira

Edit time in Monthly view

Use the following steps to edit time:

  1. Select a day.

  2. The existing time entries are displayed. To edit an entry, hold the pointer over it and click the Edit button.

  3. The Edit Time window displays where you can change the assigned ticket, the date, the duration, or the comment.

  4. To display the work log's From and To times, activate the Timeframe field.

  5. Click Save.

Delete a work log in Monthly view

Use the following steps to delete a work log:

  1. Hold the pointer over the appropriate row and click Delete.

  2. The Delete worklog message displays.

  3. Click Delete to confirm that the work log should be removed.

Add time in Monthly view - Current date

Use the following steps to add time for the current date in Monthly view:

  1. Hold the pointer over the appropriate day, and click the Add Time button.

  2. The Add Time window displays.

  3. Select an issue, confirm the date, and then specify either From and To times or select a duration.

  4. Add a comment and then click Save.

Add time in Monthly view - Non-current date

Use the following steps to add time for a non-current day:

  1. Hold the pointer over the day and click the + Add Time button.

  2. The Add Time window displays, where you can complete the appropriate fields.

    1. To add time that isn't associated with a ticket, for example, a one-on-one meeting with your manager, enter a duration and a comment.

  3. Click Save.

Change months in Monthly view

While the Monthly view defaults to the current month, you can scroll months using the arrow keys in the upper right-hand corner.