After careful consideration, HTML for Jira will be retired and archived on the Atlassian Marketplace on December 26, 2023. Current customers and evaluators were informed of this change on September 27, 2023. Please contact our support team if you have any opinions.
How to add HTML from an attachment
Consider a scenario where the HTML code you want to use in a Jira issue sits on an external file. This tutorial presents the steps to use such a file to display the respective HTML in your Jira issue.
In the intended Jira issue:
- Click Attach from the menu options to attach the intended file with HTML code as a text file attachment to the issue.
- Click HTML from the menu options to see the HTML for Jira section in the new Jira issue view.
- Click HTML from the menu options again or Add HTML in the HTML for Jira section to navigate to the HTML for Jira window for further edits.
- Perform the following in the HTML for Jira window:
- Create HTML from: Select Import existing HTML from an attachment to use the intended attachment.
- HTML source attachment (displayed only when Import existing HTML from an attachment is selected): Select the intended attachment from the list of options.
- Create HTML from: Select Import existing HTML from an attachment to use the intended attachment.
- Click Save to save the settings and navigate back to the issue to view the respective output.
Step 2 and 3 refer to the new Jira issue view. In the old Jira issue view, replace step 2 and 3 with the following step:
Click Add HTML from the HTML for Jira section as shown in the following image to navigate to the HTML for Jira window for further edits:
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