The section contains routines that enable users to set up "template" projects in your Jira.
You need to have administrator rights to run them and you need to take care when updating your projects.
Following simple example shows how you can mess the Jira install: you have an existing project, several issue types, and you set up a new issue type scheme which does not contain all the issue types previously in the project. The result is undefined, and most probably Jira will complain and / or will throw exceptions because the set issue type scheme routine does not migrate the existing issues with non-existent types.
Custom Field Administration Routines
- admAddCustomFieldAlias — Adds a custom field alias in the sil.aliases file.
- admAddCustomFieldOption — Adds a new custom field option to options list for the specified context. If the context does not exist, it will be created.
- admAddFieldToScreen — Adds a field(custom field or system field) to a screen.
- admCreateCustomField — Creates a new custom field, offering support also for setting its context and searcher.
- admDeleteCustomFieldOption — Delete an option from the options list for the specified context.
- admGetCustomFieldOptions — Retrieves the option list of a custom field for the specified context (projects and issue types).
- admGetFieldConfigurationScheme — Returns the project field configuration scheme.
- admSetCustomFieldOptionEnabledState — Updates the enabled/disabled state of a specific custom field option for the specified context. If the context does not exist, it will be created.
- admSetFieldConfigurationScheme — Updates the project field configuration scheme.
- admUpdateCustomFieldOptions — Updates custom field options for the specified context. If the context does not exist, it will be created.
Dashboard and Filter Administration Routines
- admChangeFilterOwner — Changes the ownership of an existing filter.
- admDeleteFilter — Deletes the filter with the specified id.
- admGetAllFilters — Retrieves all the filters available on the current instance.
- admGetAllOwnedFilters — Retrieves a list with all the filters owned by a user.
- admGetFilterById — Retrieves the filter by its id.
- admGetFilterOwner — Retrieves the filter owner.
- admGetFiltersByName — Retrieves all the filters identified by the specified name.
- admGetFiltersForProject — Retrieves all filters for a given project that the user is allowed to see.
- admShareFilter — Add shares to a filter based on project, role, group, user.
- admUpdateFilter — Update one ore more attributes for the provided filter.
Group Administration Routines
- admAddGroupsToGroup — Add the provided groups to the specified groups if they are not already added.
- admAddGroupToProjectRole — Adds a single group to a project role if the group is not already in that role.
- admCreateGroup — Create a single group to a project role if the group does not already exist.
- admRemoveGroup — Removes a group from Jira.
- admRemoveGroupFromGroups — Add the provided groups to the specified groups if they are not already added.
- admRemoveGroupFromProjectRole — Removes a single group from a project role if the group is in that role.
- admRemoveUserFromGroup — Removes a single user from a group if the user is in that group.
Issue Type Administration Routines
- admGetAllIssueTypeSchemes — Returns the list of Issue Type Scheme names that exist in the Jira environment.
- admGetAllIssueTypeScreenSchemes — Returns the list of Issue Type Screen Scheme names that exist in the Jira environment.
- admGetIssueTypeScheme — Returns the project issue type scheme.
- admGetIssueTypeScreenScheme — Returns the project issue type screen scheme.
- admGetIssueTypesFromScheme — Returns a list of issue types associated to a given issue type scheme.
- admSetIssueTypeScheme — Updates the project issue types scheme.
- admSetIssueTypeScreenScheme — Updates the project issue type screen scheme.
Notification Administration Routines
- admGetAllNotificationSchemes — Returns the list of Notification Scheme names that exist in the Jira environment.
- admGetNotificationSchemeByName — Retrieves a breakdown of events and notifications for a provided notification scheme.
Permissions Administration Routines
- admGetAllPermissionSchemes — Returns the list Permission Scheme names that exist in the Jira environment.
- admGetPermissionsFromScheme — Retrieves a list of actions and corresponding permissions for a given Permission Scheme.
Priority Administration Routines
- admGetAllPrioritiesScheme — Returns the list Priority Scheme names that exist in the Jira environment.
- admGetPrioritiesFromScheme — Retrieves a list of priorities associated to a priority scheme.
- admGetPriorityScheme — Returns the project priority scheme.
- admSetPriorityScheme — Updates the project priority scheme.
Project Administration Routines
- admAddProjectCategory — Adds new project category.
- admArchiveIssue — Archives a single issue.
- admArchiveProject — Archives a project.
- admCreateProject — Creates a new project, optionally offering support for category of the project
- admCreateProjectWithSharedConfiguration — Creates a new project, optionally offering support for category of the project.
- admGetAllProjectCategories — Get the names of all project categories.
- admGetArchivedProjects — Gets all projects that have been archived.
- admGetProjectCategory — Get the project category of the project.
- admGetProjectDefaultIssueSecurityLevel — Returns the project's default issue security level, as set by the scheme.
- admGetProjectIssueSecurityLevels — Returns all the project issue security levels, as set by the scheme.
- admGetProjectIssueSecurityLevelsFor — Returns all the project issue security levels, as set by the scheme, for the specified user.
- admProjectExists — Returns 'true' if project with provided key exists and 'false' otherwise.
- admProjectProperties — Returns the project properties.
- admSetProjectCategory — Set project category to the project.
- admUnArchiveIssue — Restores a single archived issue.
- admUnArchiveProject — Restores a previously archived project.
- admUpdateProject — Updates the project properties.
- Project Component Administration Routines
- Project Scheme Administration Routines
- Project Version Administration Routines
Screen Administration Routines
- admAddScreenToTransition — Sets the screen for a workflow transition.
- admCreateScreen — Creates a new screen.
- admGetAllScreens — Returns the list Screen names that exist in the Jira environment.
- admGetAllScreenSchemes — Returns the list Screen Scheme names that exist in the Jira environment.
- admGetContextualScreenFields — Retrieves the available fields for the user in the given context (screen/project/issue type)
- admGetScreenFields — Retrieves a list of all field information for a provided screen.
- admGetScreenSchemeFromITScheme — Retrieves a list of screen scheme configurations for a particular issue type screen scheme.
- admGetScreensFromScheme — Retrieves a list of screen operations and corresponding screens for a given Screen Scheme.
System Administration Routines
- admClearCache — Clears the internal cache.
- admClearLinksCache — Clears the issue links cache.
- admReindex — Triggers a re-index for all issues across a Jira instance. Starting with SIL Engine™ 4.0.15 you can also specify an optional useBackgroundReindexing parameter to run re-index in the background.
- admReindexIssue — Triggers a re-index for the issue with the given key.
- admReindexProjects — Triggers a re-index of a Jira instance for the specified projects only.
- admWriteAuditLog — Creates an entry in the system audit log.
- getAllEvents()
- getJiraBuildNumber()
- getJiraVersion()
User Administration Routines
- admActivateUser — Activates a user, setting its active flag to 'true', if update is allowed.
- admAddUserToGroup — Adds a single user to a group if the user is not already in that group.
- admAddUserToProjectRole — Adds a single user to a project role if the user is not already in that role.
- admCreateUser — Creates a new user.
- admDeactivateUser — De-activates a user (sets its active flag to 'false' or removes it from all groups associated to global login permissions).
- admGetUserLogin — Gets the login details for the given user.
- admRemoveUserFromProjectRole — Removes a single user from a project role if the user is in that role.
- admResetUserPassword — Updates the password for a user.
- admUpdateUser — Updates the email, user name, or full name for a given user.