Send email

Send email

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This script defines a post function to send a custom Approve email notification in Jira Service Management. You can adapt it for other custom email use cases as well.

Script parameters

Some notes about the script:

  • Please change ENVIRONMENT SPECIFIC VALUES according to your setup.

  • issue object is already attached to the script, you can use it directly.

  • assetCustomFieldAndValueList is attached to script which holds asset custom field values with detailed assets information. See AssetCustomFieldAndValue for class details.

  • Screen has two asset custom fields and only asset names are sent as email. Attributes can be fetched as well. For more information, refer to Sample Groovy scripts.

  • Email is sent to multi-select users custom field values. To send a single user custom field (for example, reporter), please modify getRecipientEmails method. This returns one email, so there is no need to have a loop for toEmails.

Script functionality

  1. Retrieves Data:

    • Gathers email addresses from the approval custom field.

    • Extracts information from the issue object (summary, description, creation date).

    • Fetches asset names from relevant custom fields (if configured).

  2. Builds Email Body:

    • Constructs a well-formatted HTML email body with:

      • Introduction mentioning the reporter and request creation.

      • Details of the request (summary, description, assets, created date).

      • A link to view and approve/decline the request in the Jira Service Desk portal.

      • Signature mentioning Jira Service Management.

  3. Sends Email:

    • Loops through retrieved email addresses.

    • Sends an email with the request key, summary as subject, and constructed message body to each address.

Script code

import com.atlassian.jira.mail.Email import com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser import groovy.transform.Field import inventoryplugin.entity.JipInventory import inventoryplugin.workflow.function.genericscript.dto.AssetCustomFieldAndValue import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils import java.text.DateFormat import java.text.SimpleDateFormat /********** ENVIRONMENT SPECIFIC VALUES: Change according to your environment ********/ @Field String portalId = '2'; @Field String approvalsCustomFieldId = 'customfield_10402'; @Field String assetCustomFieldName_1 = 'Assets'; @Field String assetCustomFieldName_2 = 'Assets2'; /*************************************************************************************/ String getJiraBaseUrl() { return ComponentAccessor.getApplicationProperties().getString("jira.baseurl") } String getIntro() { return '<div>This request created by ' + issue.getReporter().getDisplayName() + ' is awaiting approval.</div>' } String getCreateDateFormatted() { DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"); return dateFormat.format(issue.getCreated()); } String getAssetCustomFieldText(fieldName) { List<String> assetNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (AssetCustomFieldAndValue assetCustomFieldAndValues : assetCustomFieldAndValueList) { if (fieldName == assetCustomFieldAndValues.assetCustomField.fieldName) { for (JipInventory inventory : assetCustomFieldAndValues.getAssetList()) { assetNames.add(inventory.name) // ' #' + inventory.ID } } } return StringUtils.join(assetNames, ', ') } static String getField(fieldName, fieldValue) { return '<div style="padding-top: 20px;">' + '<div style="font-weight: bold;">' + fieldName + '</div>' + '<div>' + fieldValue + '</div>' + '</div>' } String getViewRequest() { def url = getJiraBaseUrl() + '/servicedesk/customer/portal/' + portalId + '/' + issue.getKey() + '?sda_source=notification-email'; return '<a href="' + url + '">View request</a>'; } // Create an email def sendEmail(String emailAddr, String subject, String body) { def mailServer = ComponentAccessor.getMailServerManager().getDefaultSMTPMailServer() if (mailServer) { def email = new Email(emailAddr) email.setSubject(subject) email.setBody(body) email.setMimeType("text/html"); mailServer.send(email) log.debug("Mail sent") } else { log.warn("Please make sure that a valid mailServer is configured") } } List<String> getRecipientEmails() { List<String> emails = new ArrayList<>(); def cField = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject(approvalsCustomFieldId) Collection<ApplicationUser> usersList = issue.getCustomFieldValue(cField); for (ApplicationUser applicationUser : usersList) { emails.add(applicationUser.getEmailAddress()); } return emails; } String messageBody = '<div style="font-family:verdana; font-size:14px">' messageBody += getIntro(); messageBody += getField('Summary', issue.getSummary()); messageBody += getField('Description', StringUtils.replace(issue.getDescription(), '\n', '<br />')); messageBody += getField(assetCustomFieldName_1, getAssetCustomFieldText(assetCustomFieldName_1)); messageBody += getField(assetCustomFieldName_2, getAssetCustomFieldText(assetCustomFieldName_2)); messageBody += getField('Created', getCreateDateFormatted()); messageBody += '<div style="padding-top: 20px">'; messageBody += '<span style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;">' + getViewRequest() + '</span> to approve or decline.'; messageBody += '</div>'; messageBody += '<div style="padding-top: 20px">'; messageBody += '<span style="color:#7a869a; font-size:12px">Help Center, powered by <a href="' + getJiraBaseUrl() + '/servicedesk">Jira Service Desk</a>, sent you this message.</span>'; messageBody += '</div>'; messageBody += '</div>'; List<String> toEmails = getRecipientEmails(); for (String oneEmail : toEmails) { sendEmail(oneEmail, issue.getKey() + ' ' + issue.getSummary(), messageBody); } return messageBody;

Email example


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