Versions Compared


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Server and cloud differences

This page compares the features and functionality between


the server and cloud


versions of Comala Document Management.


Table of Contents


FAQ Cloud Capabilities

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "cap_migration" and space = currentSpace ( )

There is also


Comala Document Management










Page Workflow/Approval




Space Workflow/Approval




Space Workflow/Approval by Labels




Global Workflow/Approval






Workflows Exchange

Import workflows from a repository




Workflow Builder

Modify your workflows using our graphical Workflow Builder




Workflow template source editor

  • markup editor in server

  • code editor in cloud


Markup editor


JSON code editor


Custom Triggers














Minimum reviewers

Set how many reviewers are needed to complete the approval.




Preassigned reviewers

Preassigned users can be set and will be required to review the content.

Manual assignment of reviewers can also be limited to specific users or user groups.



Exclude reviewers

User(s) and/or group(s) that cannot review the approval but could still add reviewers to the approval.



Limit assigners




Workflows - management and application

 ✅ – Available | ⛔ – Unavailable | ⚠ – Partially available

Applying workflows


Server/Data Center


Page workflow

Application of a workflow template by a user to an individual page or blog post.

titlePage workflow feature summary

A copy of a workflow template in the space Page Workflows Templates Dashboard can be added as a page workflow to a page or blog post in the space.

Any workflow added and enabled in a space Page Workflows Templates Dashboard can be added as a page workflow.

Only an enabled workflow in the dashboard can be added as a copy to the page.

Copy of the workflow applied to a page can be edited on the page.

titlePage workflow feature summary

A copy of a workflow template in the space settings document management dashboard can be added as a page workflow to a page or blog post in the space.

Any workflow added to a space document management dashboard can be added as a page workflow.

The workflow does not need to be active (enabled) in the dashboard to be added to a page.

Copy of the workflow applied to a page cannot be edited on the page. Only the original workflow template is editable in the space settings document management dashboard.

Space workflow

Application of a workflow by a space administrator to all the individual pages and blog posts in a space

titleSpace workflow feature summary

The space document management dashboard is populated with workflow templates added or created by the space administrator. Workflows can be added to the space from a global workflow dashboard.

By default, each space dashboard has no workflows added as space workflows for use in the space.

Multiple workflows can be active (enabled) in the dashboard, and the application of active workflows is determined by

  • workflow scope (global or space)

  • hierarchy in the dashboard

  • workflow content label filter

titleSpace workflow feature summary

The space document management dashboard is populated with three workflows bundled on app installation and custom workflows added to or created in the space by the space administrator.

By default, the three workflows installed with the app are added to each space document management dashboard.

Only one workflow can be active in the dashboard. Enabling a different workflow automatically disables the active workflow.

  • all workflows are space scope workflows

  • no workflow content filter

Space workflow application by content label filter

Application of a space workflow based on the content label

titleApplication of space workflow feature summary

One or more space workflows can be enabled in the space dashboard. Only one workflow is applied to each page or blog post, and the application is determined by workflow scope; workflow hierarchy in the dashboard; and any use of a content label filter.

The application of each workflow can be filtered

  • using a content label filter

  • using the content type (page or blog post)

titleApplication of space workflow feature summary

There is no workflow content label filter.

One space workflow can be active in the space dashboard. Making another workflow active disables the existing active workflow.

The active workflow application cannot be filtered. The active workflow is applied to all pages and blog posts.

Global workflows

Global administrator management of workflow templates in Confluence cloud.

titleGlobal workflows feature summary

Workflow templates available in the instance are managed in the Global Workflows Templates dashboard.

Workflows enabled in the global dashboard can be

  • added to a space by the space administrator

  • automatically added to the page workflows templates dashboard in each space

A global workflow can be set as a space category workflow. This workflow is applied automatically in a new space created with the set category label.

titleGlobal workflows feature summary

There is no global workflow feature.

The three workflows bundled with the app are automatically available in all the spaces in the Confluence site on the installation of the app.

Custom workflows

Ability to create custom workflows to meet organizational, team, and project needs.

titleCustom workflows feature summary

A custom workflow can be created by

  • a user on a page

  • a space administrator in the space document management dashboard

  • a global administrator in the global workflow templates dashboard

A workflow template can be saved and shared using workflow builder:

  • a custom page workflow template to

    • the space document management dashboard

    • the global workflow templates dashboard

  • a custom space workflow template to

    • the global workflow templates dashboard

Requires appropriate administrator permission.

titleCustom workflows feature summary

A custom workflow is created by the space administrator in the space document management dashboard.

A custom workflow template can be copied and pasted from one space to another using the JSON code editor in each space.


A server workflow can be translated to a cloud-compatible code template using the Workflow Translator for Cloud tool in the server app. The translated code can be copied and pasted into the code editor in a cloud space.


Workflows - editing workflows

 ✅ – Available | ⛔ – Unavailable | ⚠ – Partially available

Creating and editing workflows


Server/Data Center


Workflow builder visual editor

Visual workflow editing tool

titleVIsual Editor feature summary

Workflow builder visual editor for a workflow is available from the

  • global workflows dashboard for global workflows (global scope workflows)

  • space tools document management dashboard for space workflows (space scope workflows)

  • page when a copy of a workflow is added as a page workflow


Workflow builder includes Workflow Translator for Cloud (if enabled in the app global configuration)

titleVisual Editor feature summary

Workflow builder visual editor for a workflow is available in

  • the space settings document management dashboard


Only a space administrator can edit a workflow.

Workflow markup editor

Workflow template source editor

Markup Editor

Code Editor

titleMarkup Editor feture summary

Workflow templates are stored as markup language.

The workflow template markup editor is available for a workflow in the

  • global workflows dashboard for global workflows (global scope workflows)

  • space tools document management dashboard for space workflows (space scope workflows)

  • page workflows template dashboard (space scope workflows)

  • page when a copy of a workflow is added as a page workflow

titleCode Editor feature summary

Workflow templates are stored as JSON code.

The workflow template code editor is available for a workflow in the space settings document management dashboard.


Only a space administrator can edit a workflow.

Workflow import

Import a workflow

titleWorkflow import options

Workflow templates can be imported

  • from the linked Workflows Exchange repository to the global workflows dashboard or a space document management dashboard using the Import Workflow option

  • as a markup from another Confluence instance as a global workflow; a space workflow or a page workflow using the markup editor


The administrator using Import Workflow option must be a member of the Workflow Importers group set in the global configuration

In a space, the workflow template can be saved and shared using workflow builder:

  • a page workflow template to

    • the space document management dashboard

    • the global workflow templates dashboard

  • a space workflow template to

    • the global workflow templates dashboard

Requires appropriate administrator permission.

titleWorkflow import options

Workflow templates can be imported as a JSON code from another space or Confluence site using the code editor as a space workflow.

There is no linked workflow repository.

titleWorkflow repository option

Workflow templates can be imported from the Workflows Exchange repository to the global workflows dashboard or a space document management dashboard using the Import Workflow option


Workflow states

 ✅ – Available | ⛔ – Unavailable | ⚠ – Partially available



Server/Data Center


Add States

Modify State Names

Modify State Colours

Use colors to indicate important states

Add Due Dates

Add due dates in any state

Expiration dates

Modify Due Dates

Change existing due dates

Initialize States

Transition all pages for the associated workflow into a specific state in that workflow


Content reviews - approvals and reviewers

 ✅ – Available | ⛔ – Unavailable | ⚠ – Partially available

Approvals and reviewers


Server/Data Center



One or more approvals can be added to a workflow state

Minimum reviewers

Set the number of users who must review an approval to complete the approval

Limit users who can be assigned

Limit the users who can be manually assigned to an approval using the workflow popup to

  • one or more individual users

  • users who are members of one or more user groups

Manual assignment of reviewers

Assignment of one or more reviewers to an approval using the workflow popup on the page

Preassignment of reviewers

Assignment of reviewers to the approval by the workflow on the workflow transition to the state containing the approval

Limit assigners

Limit the user(s) and/or group(s) that can manually assign users to the approval

titleLimit assigners feature summary

Limit the users that can assign reviewers by editing the


workflow approval.


A page editor can assign a reviewer if the approval is assignable

titleLimit assigners

Limiting users who can assign users


Custom buttons labels

Custom approve/reject button captions




Compliance requirements






Approval E-signatures

Reviewers need their user/email and password to sign-off.

(Cloud support for this feature is limited to OTP using a third party app )




Confluence audit logging

Full audit trail of key events (e.g., changes to configuration, templates, parameters, etc.) in the Confluence Audit Log.




Views navigation






Draft and published views

Users can browse the work-in-progress version or the last approved version of a page




Draft restriction

Work-in-progress versions of pages can be restricted to users and/or groups




In cloud, the workflow does not differentiate user access between the work-in-progress versions and the last approved version of the page. User permissions for a page are managed by using the Confluence user permissions.


In both server and cloud, permission management can be implemented using a Comala Document Management workflow and the Comala Publishing app to publish approved pages to a public space.








Page activity, space and user reports



to each approval is not a feature available in the cloud app.




Page editors can assign a reviewer if the approval is assignable.

Custom approval buttons

Customize the displayed names for the approval buttons in the workflow popup for each approval

Approval e-signatures

Reviewer identity authentication to activate an approval and undertake an approval


titleE-signature feature summary

An approval can be configured to require user authentication using one of

  • Confluence username

  • Confluence username + Confluence password

  • third-party app authentication token

titleE-signature feature summary

Cloud support for e-signature for user authentication to activate an approval is limited to OTP authentication using a third-party app.



 ✅ – Available | ⛔ – Unavailable | ⚠ – Partially available



Server/Data Center


Workflow tasks

Add, assign, and complete workflow tasks

titleWorkflow tasks feature summary

Add workflow tasks to a page manually or by the workflow on the transition to a workflow state

Manage task assignment and completion using the tasks popup on a page

Undertake a workflow state transition based on the completion of tasks

titleWorkflow tasks

Workflow tasks are not a supported feature in the Cloud app.


Workflow triggers

 ✅ – Available | ⛔ – Unavailable | ⚠ – Partially available

Workflow triggers


Server/Data Center


Workflow triggers

Add workflow flexibility by adding one or more workflow trigger macros, each listening for a workflow event and setting one or more actions.

titleWorkflow trigger feature summary

Workflow triggers are created in markup.

The workflow trigger markup is copied and pasted to a workflow using either

  • workflow builder

  • markup editor

The summary of a trigger added to a workflow is shown as a Rule in the workflow builder.

titleWorkflow trigger feature summary

Workflow triggers are created in JSON code.

The JSON workflow trigger code is copied and pasted to a workflow using either

  • visual editor

  • code editor

The cloud app has a different range of workflow trigger elements

Workflow parameters

 ✅ – Available | ⛔ – Unavailable | ⚠ – Partially available

Workflow parameters


Server/Data Center


Add workflow parameters

Add custom workflow parameters, whose values are editable and are referenced from an applied workflow

titleWorkflow parameters feature summary

One or more workflow parameters can be added to a workflow. The parameter is added with one of the following data types

  • string

  • duration

  • user

  • group

  • list

titleWorkflow parameters feature summary

One or more workflow parameters can be added to a workflow. The parameter is added with one of the following data types

  • string

  • duration

  • user

  • group

  • list

Space parameters

Workflow parameters managed by the space administrator for the space

titleWorkflow space parameters feature summary

All workflow parameter types (if a default value is defined in the workflow) are

  • added to the space parameters dashboard

  • the parameter in the dashboard is an editable value and is used by an applied workflow in the space

titleWorkflow parameters feature summary

Only workflow parameters with a data value type of duration; user; and group are editable in the space.

Parameter values are editable for the active workflow in the space document management dashboard.

Workflow trigger use of workflow parameters

Use of workflow parameter as a value reference for workflow trigger actions

titleWorkflow trigger use of workflow parameters

Workflow parameters, other value references, and metadata are compatible with most trigger action macros and event conditions.

titleWorkflow trigger use of workflow parameters

Limited use of value references including workflow parameters in trigger action macros

No usage in event conditions.



 ✅ – Available | ⛔ – Unavailable | ⚠ – Partially available


CQL advanced searches

Integration with the advanced CQL search capabilities of Confluence.








Server/Data Center


In-app reporting tools

In-app tools to report on workflow actions and events

titleIn-app report tools summary

Document activity (page activity in server) report for each page.

Document report for a space.

My Document Actions Report includes (pending approvals and tasks) in each user profile.

My Read Confirmations report (pending read confirmations) in a user profile.

Space Tasks Report in space tools.

titleIn-app report tools summary

Document activity report for each page.

Document Report (space-wide report) includes a filter for checking


My pending approvals

Read confirmations available in a separate app Comala Read Confirmations.

Tasks are not supported in cloud.




Document Activity REST API from Comala Document Management v7 Data Center to integrate with existing business information tools.

Other APIs including JAVA API.


No public API for Comala Document Management app.

Report macros

Reporting page macros to add to the content

  • document activity report macro or page activity report macro

  • document states report macro

  • document approvals macro

  • document stats report macro

  • data center app includes new document activity based reporting macros

  • server app includes page activity based reporting macros

  • document stats report macro not available in Cloud

  • cloud macros include some differences in available filters and display configuration



 ✅ – Available | ⛔ – Unavailable | ⚠ – Partially available



Server/Data Center


Email notifications


Workbox notifications


User notifications in user profile

Confluence Cloud does not provide an API for






Custom notifications

Email, page messages, etc.









Workflow tasks










Custom workflow parameters

Custom specified parameters, which values are editable and can be referenced from the workflows.




Space parameters

Parameters with a default value specified at space level








Add States




Modify State Names



Modify State Colours




Add Due Dates

Add due dates in any state



Expiration dates


Modify Due Dates

Change existing due dates



Initialize States




set-message macro in a workflow trigger displays an on-page message panel (info, warning, note) and is persistent until removed

set-message macro in a workflow trigger displays a page message dialog box.


View navigation

 ✅ – Available | ⛔ – Unavailable | ⚠ – Partially available

Draft and published documents


Server/Data Center


Draft and published views

Users navigate between the work-in-progress version and the last approved version of a page

  • final state

  • draft states


View approved byline added to draft states to support the user in navigating to the last approved version. This is the version created on the transition to the final state in the workflow

Draft state view restriction

Default workflow visibility - content in a draft work-in-progress state is not visible to users with only Confluence view permission for the page. View-only users are directed to last approved version if available.


The workflow does not differentiate user access between the work-in-progress versions and the last approved version of the page. User permissions for a page are managed by using the Confluence user permissions.


In server, data center, and cloud, permission management can be implemented using a Comala workflow and the Comala Publishing app to publish pages to a separate space with anonymous user permissions.


Compliance requirements

 ✅ – Available | ⛔ – Unavailable | ⚠ – Partially available



Server/Data Center


Approval e-signatures

Reviewer identity authentication to activate an approval and undertake an approval

each approval is configured to require authentication using username; username + Confluence password; or third-party app authentication token


Global administrator can configure requirements for e0signature as Confluence authentication or thrid party token for the instance.


Cloud support for e-signature is limited to OTP authentication using a third-party app


Global administrators can require users to reset the authentication token.

Confluence audit logging


Full audit trail of key events (e.g., changes to configuration, templates, parameters, etc.) in the Confluence Audit Log.



Page Layout





Messages to





Draft visibility, internal page publishing settings




Clear history

guide content creators about the next steps after creating the page. 

Header and footer





Who can see drafts, require comments, page updates reset approvals.

Security options, default notifications for given workflow events.

Global configuration settings for workflow in the instance or site

titleGlobal configuration summary

Range of global configuration settings

  • Workflow Drafts and Visibility

  • Require comments

  • Page update resets for approval

Global security options

  • default notifications for workflow events

  • external email recipients

  • e-signature authentication method for approvals

titleGlobal configuration summary

No global workflow configuration settings; notifications for workflow event settings; e-signature authentication method requirements


Global administrators can manage user signing tokens for third-party apps

  • change token expiration date;

  • require all users to refresh tokens.

Space configuration

Space configuration settings for workflow in the space

titleSpace configuration summary

Range of space configuration settings

  • Workflow Drafts and Visibility

  • Workflow notifications

  • Require comments

  • Page update resets for approval

titleSpace configuration summary

No space workflow configuration settings.

Clear workflow events and activities history

Clear Document Activity options on a page and at the space level

 Internationalization (i18n)





Dutch, French


, Simplified


Japanese, Russian


and Spanish.




Third-party App Support




Integration with third-party apps in cloud is limited. Consult the app vendor or raise a support query.

Comala Publishing app integration

Java API


Need more help learning about the differences between our cloud and server apps? Check


the documentation for our apps

Contact our support team for assistance. 

FAQ Cloud Capabilities

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "cap_migration" and space = currentSpace ( )