Workflow translator for cloud

Workflow translator for cloud


Workflow Translator for Cloud is used to translate the hosted app workflow for a selected workflow to cloud-compatible JSON code. This is then copied and pasted to the Comala Document Management Cloud workflow code editor in a cloud site.

Workflow Translator for Cloud: Due to functional differences between Confluence Data Center and Confluence Cloud, the translated workflow template might need additional editing in the cloud, for example, for workflow triggers and some parameters.

A data center app or server app workflow can be translated into cloud-compatible JSON code using Workflow Translator for Cloud, which is available in the workflow builder


Some product features and functionalities in the cloud app are different from those in the data center and server apps. Therefore, the workflow translator cannot translate all the elements and parameters of a workflow into a cloud-compatible JSON workflow template.

Workflow Translator for Cloud is available when accessing workflow builder for a workflow in the

  • global workflows dashboard

  • space settings document management dashboard

  • and on a page with an applied page workflow

Accessing Workflow Translator for Cloud

Workflow Translator for Cloud (available from v6.18.0 or later) must be enabled in the global admin app configuration.

The workflow cloud translator button is displayed in the workflow builder when a workflow is opened in the visual editor or markup editor.

Choose the Cloud Translator button in the workflow builder navigation panel to view the current workflow in the workflow translation tool.

Choose the Translate button to translate and display the cloud-compatible workflow template as JSON code for the workflow in the Translated Workflow dialog box.

Workflow elements or parameters not translated to cloud-compatible code by the tool are displayed in the Messages dialog box.

Copy the workflow cloud-compatible JSON code to the clipboard.

  • select the copy icon next to the Translated workflow box title

Paste the cloud-compatible code to the Comala Document Management Cloud workflow code editor in a space on your cloud site (or paste it as text to a text/code editor for storage).

Workflow elements translated to cloud-compatible JSON

Workflow Translator for Cloud translates the following elements and their parameters of a server workflow into cloud-compatible code.

  • Workflow

    • name

    • description (if present

    • workflow parameters 6.18.0+

    • state

      • name

      • description (if present)

      • final

      • color

      • due date 6.18.0+

    • state transitions

      • select*

      • approved

      • rejected

      • updated

      • expired

    • approval

      • name

      • description ((if present)

      • approve button label (if present)

      • reject button label (if present)

      • credentials 6.18.0+

      • minimum 6.18.0+

      • assignable 6.18.0+

      • user 6.18.0+

      • group 6.18.0+

      • selectedapprover and selectedapprovers 6.18.0+

    • trigger v7.6.3+

      • workflow triggers are translated based on their designated events, even if some conditions or actions in the trigger are unsupported in the Cloud

      • a trigger is translated regardless of unsupported conditions or actions, which will be omitted from the translation

      • translated triggers need to be reviewed in the Cloud environment and can be adjusted using the Cloud visual editor or code editor to meet specific requirements

What is not translated to cloud-compatible code?

Unsupported workflow elements are not included in the cloud-compatible JSON code translation.

In the cloud, unsupported parameters include

For the workflow

  • header parameter

  • footer parameter

For a workflow state

  • hideselection parameter

    • not available in cloud

  • hidefrompath parameter

    • cannot be hidden from the progress bar in the workflow popup

  • taskable parameter

    • manual addition of workflow tasks by a user is not supported

  • changeduedate parameter

    • user by default, can edit the due date for a state

Other elements not translated include:

  • macros, including the set-metadata and get-metadata macros, are not currently available in the cloud and are not translated

  • metadata and other value references, including workflow value references, are not translated

  • Read Confirmations are not translated. In Confluence Cloud, read confirmations must be added using the Comala Read Confirmations Cloud app.

The following are translated but have different functionalities in the cloud:

  • Workflow parameters can be created and used in the cloud workflow but have different functionality from those in the server app workflow

  • approvals are available in the cloud, but the management of reviewers has different options

  • Workflow triggers are translated into corresponding workflow events in the cloud but function differently compared to the hosted app. Some trigger events are not supported as there are no corresponding events in the cloud, and they are omitted from the JSON code. Triggers can also include conditions and actions that are not supported in the cloud. In such cases, while the trigger is translated, the unsupported conditions and actions are omitted.

Translating workflow triggers


Workflow triggers are available in a cloud workflow but have different functionality from the server app workflow trigger. The Workflow Translator for Cloud translates data center workflow triggers based on their events to their corresponding Cloud trigger event.

However, some data center workflow trigger conditions and actions are unsupported in the Cloud. This does not prevent the trigger translation, but the translated workflow does not include the unsupported conditions and actions. These are omitted from the cloud workflow template. In these cases, you will need to review the use of the workflow trigger in the Cloud and the conditions and actions that support your process needs.

This approach simplifies migration while allowing flexibility for future customization and functionality expansion:

Translation of workflow trigger events

The following workflow trigger events are translated into their equivalent Cloud events to align with the Cloud interface and future functionality:

Data Center workflow trigger event

Cloud workflow trigger event

Data Center workflow trigger event

Cloud workflow trigger event













Translation of workflow trigger conditions

Data Center workflow trigger condition

Cloud workflow trigger condition

Data Center workflow trigger condition

Cloud workflow trigger condition





Translation of workflow trigger actions

The following workflow trigger actions are translated into their equivalent Cloud actions to align with the Cloud interface and future functionality:

Data Center workflow trigger action

Cloud workflow trigger action


Data Center workflow trigger action

Cloud workflow trigger action




  • state parameter is "state"

  • page parameter is not supported in the cloud



  • no parameters



  • approval parameter is supported for name of the approval

  • comment and credentials are parameters are unsupported.



Same as approve-page.



Map duedate.


"set-message" and “clean-messages"

body and type

  • if empty body, the cloud action is "clean-messages".



Map body and subject; user becomes recipients.



Limited support; ignore unsupported parameters.

New workflow trigger actions in cloud

The following workflow trigger actions are new in the Cloud app and have no equivalent data center workflow trigger action:

  • assign - assign a Confluence user or Confluence user group as a reviewer for an approval

  • unassign- unassign a reviewer from an approval

  • clear-expiration - removes the due date for a state

Using workflow translator for cloud

Workflow Translator for Cloud is available in the workflow builder in the global workflows dashboard, the space document management dashboard, and from a page when a page workflow is applied.

In the space document management dashboard

  • open the ellipsis menu for a space scope workflow

Choose Edit to open the workflow builder.

Choose the Cloud Translator button.

The Actual Workflow dialog box displays the current workflow.

Choose the Translate button to translate the server workflow to cloud-compatible JSON code.

The Translated Workflow dialog box displays the cloud-compatible JSON code workflow.

The Messages dialog box displays workflow elements and parameters the cloud translator has not translated.

Unsupported elements

Some elements and parameters the workflow translator does not support are available in the cloud but have different features and functionality. Some of these, can be added to the workflow in the cloud app visual builder or code editor.

The workflow translator v6.18.0+ includes the following in a warning message about different functionalities in the cloud:

  • approval user and group condition parameters work slightly differently in the cloud

  • you must replace confluence usernames used in the workflow with the corresponding userIds in the cloud

  • e-signature authentication for an approval reviewer is only available through the use of a time-based token

Copy the cloud-compatible JSON code to the clipboard using the Translated Workflow copy icon.

Paste the copied workflow template code to the code editor in the Comala Document Management Cloud app space settings.

  • Save it as a new workflow in the Cloud space.

  • Exit to view the workflow added in the app space settings

A warning message is displayed if the translator cannot translate the workflow.

Check that the workflow is valid in the hosted app.

If the error persists, contact our support team.

Related pages

Comala Document Management Data Center

Comala Document Management Cloud