Backup SIL scripts
A utility that will archive and compress the all the files in the main silprograms directory into a tar file.
* Creates a backup tar file of the silprograms directory.
* The tar file is then attached to a newly created Jira ticket to allow for download.
* @author Tim Reiking
* @date 2019/04/22
string projectKey = "TRASH"; // The Jira project to create a new ticket
string type = "Task"; // Ticket type to create
string prefix = argv[0]; // Prefix the saved file name
string issueKey = argv[1]; // Generated Jira issue that contains backup
function backup(string env) {
string fileName = prefix+replace(env, ".", "")+"DirBackup.tar.gz";
string path = silEnv(env);
string filePath = path+"/../"+fileName;
//string command = "cd "+path+" && tar -czf "+filePath+" "+path;
string command = "tar -czf "+filePath+" "+path;
if(fileExists(filePath)) {
if(isNull(issueKey)) { issueKey = createIssue(projectKey, "", type, "Created "+env+" backup"); }
attachFile(filePath, issueKey);
prefix = isNull(prefix) ? "" : prefix;
string cleanPath = silEnv("sil.home")+"/~";
if(directoryExists(cleanPath)) { system("rm -R "+cleanPath); }
return issueKey;