Scope Definition (Box)

Scope Definition (Box)


The box scope is a defined collection of items from your monday.com boards. Items are automatically synchronized. You can add main, shareable, and private boards to BigPicture boxes. Boards that a scope owner can’t access (private or shareable) are not displayed in the search box.


Scope type

Depending on the scope type of a given box, the sections on the Scope definition page differ.

Scope type


Scope type


own scope

To configure the scope, add Monday boards to a box. You can add main, shareable, and private boards to BigPicture boxes.

none (portfolio)

Portfolio boxes aggregate the contents of children nested within them. They don’t have their own scope


Sub-scope boxes don’t have their own scope - they display a subsection of an own-scope parent box.

Scope definition elements - own scope

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