Bob Swift Atlassian Apps supports Atlassian's strategy to provide software in a way best suited to the customer's needs - Cloud, Server, or Data Center. This page discusses the current and future support for Cloud. For instance, Appfire Command Line Interface (CLI) supports Cloud and has done so since Cloud was available. However, in general, Cloud support is a much more complex topic. We ask for customers to weigh in on product specific support with comments and votes. Customer feedback is invaluable as we prioritize and move forward on this multi-year strategy. Jira issues have been created for each product to capture votes and product specific requirements and comments. Add-on products listed here are the subset that support Atlassian products currently available in the Cloud infrastructure: Confluence and Jira.
A number of Bob Swift Atlassian Apps work with Cloud, however, many do not work with Cloud currently. See the list that follows below.
Atlassian has determined that continuing to add more add-ons directly to Cloud is not sustainable. As an alternative, Atlassian has developed an architecture and development kit for future add-ons to allow them to be added to the Cloud environment in a sustainable way. It is called Atlassian Connect. It became available in the first part of 2014. We have been following the architecture and looking at the development kit.
We will be gradually adding Cloud support as the architecture matures. Priority of development will be determined with a combination of technical feasibility and those add-ons most wanted by customers in that environment. Customers should cast their votes on the appropriate issue as well as add their comments any specific additional requirements. Customers should be aware that the Cloud version of the add-on may have some differences in capability compared to the download version based on the different capabilities offered by the platforms. For instance, the Cloud version will not support access to the file system. The details of these differences will be documented once more detailed design is in place for specific add-ons.
Atlassian CLI
Confluence®, Jira®, Atlassian Bamboo®, Bitbucket®, Fisheye®, and Atlassian Crucible® are registered trademarks of Atlassian®
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