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Issues Work Log Table Report
David Goldstein
This report allows you to examine and break down values in issue work logs in a table-based format.
The default configuration, with Issue and Work Logged By selected for Segment By, will show a table-based breakdown of each issue that was worked, as well as the quantity of hours that was logged by each user, for each interval in the time period. Adding more segmentations will show extra detail about each issue worked.
If you remove the default Issue segmentation, you will be able to see aggregate-level information about work performed during that period, and adding additional segmentations will allow you to roll up the worklog data by user-defined criteria (but still on a user-by-user basis).
Lastly, removing both the default Work Logged By segmentation and the Issue segmentation will produce a purely-aggregate summary of worklog data.
Segmentations are only available on a current value basis. For example, segmenting by "Story Points" will aggregate the number of hours worked based on the latest value of the Story Points field; not the value of that field at the time the work was performed.
Common Uses
Run an Issues Work Log report. Remove all of the default segmentations and add a segmentation of "Resolution". The resulting table will show the amount of work performed over the period, separated into resolution-specific buckets of time.
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