Getting Support

This documentation is for an old version of Dataplane Reports.

View the latest documentation, or the list of documentation for all versions.

Getting Support

Contacting Arsenale Support

For all product questions, use our online support form or reach out to us from one of the in-product feedback links.

Generating Dataplane Support Files

When working with Arsenale Support, we may ask you to provide us with Dataplane Support Files so we can review the application status and details of your Jira environment. These files are Dataplane-specific, and different from an Atlassian Support .zip file.

On Jira Server

To generate a Dataplane Support File on Jira Server:

  1. Log into Jira as a Jira administrator, and go to Dataplane Reports » Administration to authenticate yourself as a Jira admin
  2. Go to the following URL in your browser to generate the support file. On larger Jira instances be patient for a response; the browser request may take a few minutes to complete.


    where <YOUR_JIRA> is your actual Jira domain, port and any context path, such as "internal.mycompany.com/jira"

  3. The generated Dataplane Support File is written to the top-level "export" directory in your JIRA HOME directory. Look for the most recently-created file named "arsenale-dataplane-support-xxxxxx.txt", where the trailing "xxxxxx" is a timestamp.

On Jira Data Center

Generate a Dataplane Support File for each Jira Data Center node:

  1. Log into Jira as a Jira administrator, and go to Dataplane Reports » Administration to authenticate yourself as a Jira admin
  2. Repeating for EACH Jira node, bypass your load balancer and go to the following node-specific URL in your browser to generate the support file for that node. On larger Jira instances be patient for a response; the browser request may take a few minutes to complete.


    where <YOUR_JIRA_NODE> is your actual Jira domain, port and any context path for the Jira node, such as "internal.mycompany.com:8081/jira-node"

  3. Each generated Dataplane Support File—one per Jira node—is written to the top-level "export" directory in your SHARED JIRA HOME directory. Look for the most recently-created files named "arsenale-dataplane-support-xxxxxx.txt", where the trailing "xxxxxx" is a timestamp.

Providing Jira Log Files 

While debugging a Dataplane issue with you, Arsenale Support may ask you to provide us with Jira log files.

Please provide us with ONE of the following:

  • a .zip archive of all "atlassian-jira.log" files from your "JIRA HOME/log" directory—including all rotated-out versions, such as "atlassian-jira.log.1", "atlassian-jira.log.2"..."atlassian-jira.log.10", or
  • an Atlassian Support .zip file, which contains numerous Jira log and configuration files, including all "atlassian-jira.log" files.

If running multiple Jira Data Center nodes, be sure to provide us with log files (or an Atlassian Support .zip file) for EACH Jira node.

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