This documentation is for an old version of Dataplane Reports.
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Project Links Report
David Goldstein
Scott Dudley
This report generates a table describing the issue links associated with your selected set of issues, and gives you insight into the types of links you're using between issues or between projects.
This report includes several special options in the Segment By dropdown:
- The items in the Link Values section give you information on the links themselves, such as link type and linked issue keys.
- The items in the Destination Issue Values section give you information about the target or destination issue on the other side of the link.
- The items in the Source Issue Values section work the same as in other reports, displaying information about the current or source issue being reported on.
Common Uses
If you are considering splitting a single Jira instance into multiple instances, for performance or security reasons, run the Project Links Report to get a clear idea of inter-project dependencies. For example, select multiple projects in the Search option, and then select Segment By values of Link Type and Destination Project. The resulting data will show you how extensively each of the specified projects is linked to other projects in your Jira instance.
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