Part 3 - Using Live Templates to create subprojects

1 Method 1 | 2 Method 2 | 2.1 Next

Method 1

Using the live-template macro to create subprojects.

  • choose Create button in the top header

  • choose blank page

  • insert live-template macro

  • edit the live-template macro

    • type in the name of the template you wish to render, for example, 'Subproject'

Method 2

Using our Linking add-on, you can create a link to add a new page that renders a specific template.

  • insert add-page macro

  • edit the add-page macro

    • name (can be left blank if you do not wish to add a default page title)

    • enter the link name in Link Text

    • enter the name of the template you wish to render in Source (in our example - Subproject)

    • check Live Template checkbox

    • enter the name of the labels you wish to attach to the new page in Labels

Check the Live Template option so the new page renders a live-template block!

You can now insert this add-page block anywhere you wish to quickly add new articles.

Multiple links can be made to create different articles with different templates.
