An alternative to the Incoming Link macro using Reporting

An alternative to the Incoming Link macro using Reporting

What the Incoming Link macro is normally used for

The Incoming Link macro is used for generating a list of pages that are linked to the current page.

To use the macro

  • go to a page that is linked by many other pages

  • edit the page

  • add an Incoming Link macro

  • Save the page

You will see a list of pages that link to this page has been generated.

Macro Structure



The Incoming Link macro will not produce a list of pages that have links that are from within a Scaffolding macro (such as the Text Data or List Data macros).

The workaround

To get around this you can make use of Reporting macros to generate a list of pages that link to the current page, even when they are linked to it from within a Scaffolding macro.

Current page

A page that links back to home


Confluence apps

You will need following Appfire apps installed on your Confluence.

Complete source code

The following source code is shared using Confluence Storage Format - the XHTML-based format that Confluence uses to store the content of pages, page templates, blueprints, blog posts and comments.

For more information on how to use this source code on your Confluence, read the following article - How do I use Recipes that use the Storage Format with the Confluence Source Editor?


Macro structure


Building this use case