How to style table columns - Cloud


This page outlines an example of how to style table columns using any of the Advanced Tables for Confluence macros. You can apply styles to columns with the Column styles parameter. It defines column level CSS at the HTML column level, where as the Column attributes parameter works at the element level and provides more than CSS styling capabilities. Column styles can be easier to use and is recommended for most use cases. However, it does not cover every use case that is available with the Column attributes parameter. 

Look at the Helpful resources section for other styles related documentation.

Macro browser input

Select any of the macros

Macro name
  • Advanced Tables - CSV Table
  • Advanced Tables - Table Plus
  • Advanced Tables - Attachment Table
Macro syntax (Old editor)
  • {csv}
  • {table-plus}
  • {attachment-table}
Macro syntax (New editor - case insensitive)
  • /Table Plus
  • /CSV (Comma Separated Values)
  • /Attachment Table

Define these parameters/values

Auto total numeric columnsOn

Column types


Parameters set in the macro editor

Wiki markup input (Old editor)

For a table built using the CSV (Comma Separated Values) macro:


Example result

Helpful resources

Other examples

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