How to make user-defined row styles persist - Cloud

This page provides an example to enforce user-defined styles for rows. For this example, let's consider Monthly Temperatures table for which you want to set styles of various rows, including the header row.

Select this macro

Macro nameTable Plus
Macro syntax (Old editor){table-plus}
Macro syntax (New editor - case insensitive)/Table Plus

Define these parameters/values

 Row styles

(Comma separated styles)

font-size:160%;padding:20px;border: 5px solid #c1c7d0, color:green;font-size:125%;padding-top:25px, background:lightblue;color:red;border: 2.5px dotted black, font-style:italic;font-size:175%;padding-left:35px

Apply row style to individual cellOn

Parameters set in the macro editor

Example result

When the Apply row style to individual cell is off, certain styles for cell padding or borders are not applied due to the existing default Confluence styles as shown:

When the Apply row style to individual cell is toggled on, the table is displayed with all the specified styles are applied after overriding the default Confluence styles as shown:

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