Ways to remove the Announcer for Confluence app
This article helps you delete the Announcer for Confluence app using the Rest API and from the backend.
1. Removing the app from Rest API
We can delete the app by invoking the below API from Atlassian. Replace the placeholders for the admin user's BASE_URL, USERNAME, and PASSWORD in the CURL API below.
curl -X GET https://{BASE_URL}/rest/plugins/1.0/com.wittified.atl-announcer-confluence-key \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" --user "{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}"
2. Remove the app from the backend (proceed only if step #1 didn’t work)
Delete the app installation entry from the database. Below is a sample query in POSTGRES DB
delete from "plugindata" where "pluginkey"='com.wittified.atl-announcer-confluence';
Delete the app installation from the plugin cache. Per this documentation from Atlassian, the app can be present in the plugin cache directories below. Delete the jar file if the file name contains
.The <confluence-home>/bundled-plugins
The <confluence-home>/plugin-cache
The <confluence-home>/plugins-osgi-cache
The <confluence-home>/plugins-temp
The <confluence-install>/confluence/WEB-INF/lib
Restart the confluence instance, and check that the app has been removed from UPM.
Install the latest version of the app from the marketplace.
This step requires access to the database and Confluence Home directory.