silUnit Source Code

silUnit Source Code

string silResultsDirectory = "_silUnitResults";     struct stringLow {     string value;     string lower; }   struct suiteResults {     string name;     number total;     number passes;     number failures;     string resultXML; }   /** * Sorts an array of strings regardless of casing. * Normal Sort: A,B,C,a,b,c *   This Sort: A,a,B,b,C,c * @param array - The array to sort * @return The sorted array */ function sortAlpha(string[] array) {     stringLow[] lowerResults;     for(string a in array) {         stringLow sl;         sl.value = a;         sl.lower = toLower(a);         lowerResults += sl;     }     try { lowerResults = arrayStructSort(lowerResults, "lower"); } catch {}           string[] result;     for(stringLow sl in lowerResults) { result += sl.value; }     return result; }   /** * Lists all the files in a given directory tree.  * @param dirName - The path of directory to search * @param excludes - A list of directories or files to exclude from results * @return The list of files found in the directory */ function directoryFiles(string dirName, string[] excludes) {     string[] dirScripts;     if(arrayElementExists(excludes, dirName)) { return dirScripts; }           string[] dirs = findDirectories(dirName, ".*");     dirs = sortAlpha(dirs);           for(string d in dirs) {          dirScripts += directoryFiles(d, excludes);     }           string[] dirFiles;     for(string df in findFiles(dirName, ".*\\.test.sil")) {         boolean toAdd = true;         for(string ex in excludes) {             if(startsWith(df, ex)) { toAdd = false; break; }         }         if(toAdd) { dirFiles += df; }     }     dirScripts += sortAlpha(dirFiles);     return dirScripts; }   /** * Creates a JUnit style XML tag for passing tests * @param className - The name of current test file * @param name - The name of the current test * @return XML representation **/ function passText(string className, string name) {     return "   <testcase classname='"+className+"' name='"+name+"'/>"; }   /** * Creates a JUnit style XML tag for failing tests * @param className - The name of current test file * @param name - The name of the current test * @param type - The 'assert' type that caused the failure * @param message - The error message printed in the error failure tag * @return XML representation **/ function failText(string className, string name, string type, string message) {     return "   <testcase classname='"+className+"' name='"+name+"'>\n      <failure type='"+type+"'>"+message+"</failure>\n   </testcase>"; }   /** * Creates a struct representing the results of a testcase * @param name - The name of the testcase * @param total - The total numbers of tests within the testcase * @param pass - The number of passed tests within the testcase * @param fail - The number of failed tests within the testcase * @param resultXML - The path of the JUnit XML file * @return The struct representation of the testcase results **/ function processResult(string name, number total, number pass, number fail, string resultXML) {     suiteResults result;     result.name = name;     result.total = total;     result.passes = pass;     result.failures = fail;     result.resultXML = resultXML;     return result; }   /** * Creates a string representation of the testcase results * @return String of information about testcase **/ function printResult(suiteResults result) {     return result.name+" ---> Tests: "+result.total+" (P: "+result.passes+" - F: "+result.failures+")"; }   /** * Retrieves a list functions within provided string, where the function is annoted with a specfic label * @param testText - String to search for annotations * @param annotation - Text used to annotate functions. Examples: TEST, BEFORE, AFTER, BEFOREEACH, AFTEREACH * @return String array of function names containing annotation **/ function getAnnotatedFunctions(string testText, string annotation) {     string[] results;     string regPre = "(?<=(\\/\\*\\*";     string regPost = "\\*\\*\\/(\n|.)function )).+?(?=\\()";     string regex = "("+regPre+"(?i)"+annotation+regPost+")|("+regPre+".(?i)"+annotation+"."+regPost+")"; // Creates a complex REGEX looking for variations in silUnit annotations           testText = replace(testText, "\r\n", "\n");     string current = testText;           // Finds all matched cases     while(matchEnd(current, regex) != -1) {         results += matchText(current, regex);         current = substring(current, matchEnd(current, regex), length(current));     }     return results; }   /** * Parses a provided test file, generates a 'runner' script based on annotations within test file, and executes the tests * @param path - The path of a test file to evaluate * @return String representation of test results **/ function executeTest(string path) {     // Gets annotationed functions from test file     string testText = readFromTextFile(path);     string[] testNames = getAnnotatedFunctions(testText, "TEST");     string[] before = getAnnotatedFunctions(testText, "BEFORE");     string[] beforeEach = getAnnotatedFunctions(testText, "BEFOREEACH");     string[] after = getAnnotatedFunctions(testText, "AFTER");     string[] afterEach = getAnnotatedFunctions(testText, "AFTEREACH");       // Creates the 'runner' script     if(!directoryExists(silResultsDirectory)) { createDirectory(silResultsDirectory); }     string[] pathSplit = split(path, "/");     string newPath = silResultsDirectory+"/"+pathSplit[size(pathSplit)-1]+"Run.sil";     if(fileExists(newPath)) { deleteFile(newPath); }     createFile(newPath);     path = replace(path, silEnv("sil.home")+"/", "");           printInFile(newPath, "include \""+path+"\";");     printInFile(newPath, "string directory = \""+silResultsDirectory+"\";");     printInFile(newPath, "string testResults = directory+\"/"+replace(path, "/", "_")+"Results.xml\";");     printInFile(newPath, "number testNumbs = "+size(testNames)+";");     printInFile(newPath, "number passes = 0;");     printInFile(newPath, "number failures = 0;");     printInFile(newPath, " ");     printInFile(newPath, "if(!directoryExists(directory)) { createDirectory(directory); }");     printInFile(newPath, "if(fileExists(testResults)) { deleteFile(testResults); }");     printInFile(newPath, "createFile(testResults);");     printInFile(newPath, "printInFile(testResults, \"<testsuite tests='"+size(testNames)+"'>\");");     printInFile(newPath, " ");     for(string b in before) {         printInFile(newPath, "try { "+b+"(); } catch { logPrint(\"WARN\", \" - "+path+": "+b+"\"); }");     }     // Adds each test to the 'runner' script     for(string t in testNames) {         printInFile(newPath, "// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------");         for(string be in beforeEach) { printInFile(newPath, "try { logPrint(\"WARN\", \" - "+path+": "+be+"\"); "+be+"(); } catch { }"); }         printInFile(newPath, "try { ");         printInFile(newPath, "    "+t+"();");         printInFile(newPath, "    logPrint(\"WARN\", \" - "+path+": "+t+"\");");         printInFile(newPath, "    passes++;");         printInFile(newPath, "    printInFile(testResults, passText(\""+path+"\", \""+t+"\"));");         printInFile(newPath, "} catch string err {");         printInFile(newPath, "    string[] messArr = split(err, \"-\");");         printInFile(newPath, "    printInFile(testResults, failText(\""+path+"\", \""+t+"\", messArr[0], messArr[1]));");         printInFile(newPath, "    logPrint(\"ERROR\", \" - "+path+": "+t+"-FAILURE: \"+messArr[0]+\"-\"+messArr[1]); ");         printInFile(newPath, "    failures++;");         printInFile(newPath, "}");         for(string be in afterEach) { printInFile(newPath, "try { logPrint(\"WARN\", \" - "+path+": "+be+"\"); "+be+"(); } catch { }"); }                   printInFile(newPath, " ");     }     for(string b in after) {         printInFile(newPath, "try { "+b+"(); } catch { logPrint(\"WARN\", \" - "+path+": "+b+"\"); }");     }     printInFile(newPath, "printInFile(testResults, \"</testsuite>\");");     printInFile(newPath, "return processResult(\""+path+"\", testNumbs, passes, failures, testResults);");     string resultString = call("", newPath, {});     // deleteFile(newPath);     return resultString; }   /** * Executes a series of testcases within a provided directory. Generates a global XML file containing all test results. * @param testDirectory - A directory to search for scripts ending in '.test.sil' **/ function executeSuite(string testDirectory) {     string outputName = replace(testDirectory, silEnv("sil.home"), "");     if(outputName == "") { outputName = "silprograms"; }     string suiteOutputFile = silResultsDirectory+outputName+".xml";     runnerLog("Result File: "+suiteOutputFile);     if(fileExists(suiteOutputFile)) { deleteFile(suiteOutputFile); }     createFile(suiteOutputFile);     printInFile(suiteOutputFile, "<testsuites>");           string[] files = directoryFiles(testDirectory, {});     runnerLog(" -- Test Files: "+size(files));     suiteResults rTotal =  processResult("Total", 0, 0, 0, "");     for(string f in files) {         suiteResults r = executeTest(f);         printInFile(suiteOutputFile, trim(readFromTextFile(r.resultXML)));         deleteFile(r.resultXML);         runnerLog(printResult(r));         rTotal.total += r.total;         rTotal.passes += r.passes;         rTotal.failures += r.failures;         rTotal.resultXML += r.resultXML;     }     printInFile(suiteOutputFile, "</testsuites>");     return rTotal; }   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //                                  ASSERTS                                   // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////   function assertEquals(string expected, string result) {     if(toUpper(expected) != toUpper(result)) {         string resultString = "assertEquals-'"+result+"' does not equal the expected result '"+expected+"'";         throw resultString;     } }   function assertNotEquals(string expected, string result) {     if(toUpper(expected) == toUpper(result)) {         string resultString = "assertNotEquals-'"+result+"' does equal the expected result '"+expected+"'";         throw resultString;     } }   function assertNull(string result) {     if(isNotNull(result)) {         string resultString = "assertNull-'"+result+"' is not null";         throw resultString;     } }   function assertNotNull(string result) {     if(isNull(result)) {         string resultString = "assertNotNull-Value is null";         throw resultString;     } }   function assertTrue(boolean result) {     if(!result) {         string resultString = "assertTrue-Value is false";         throw resultString;     } }   function assertFalse(boolean result) {     if(result) {         string resultString = "assertTrue-Value is true";         throw resultString;     } }

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