Evaluate the usage of JSU post-functions, validators, and conditions considering only active Workflows

To evaluate the usage of JSU post-functions, validators, and conditions, the recommended query is the one below:

select * from jiraworkflows where descriptor like '%com.googlecode.jsu%' or descriptor like '%ch.beecom.jira.jsu%';

However, this query does not distinguish between “active” and “non-active” workflows.


To filter the results based on the active workflows the below query should be used:

SELECT p.id AS project_id, p.pname AS project_name, p.lead AS project_lead, ws.name AS workflow_scheme, wse.workflow AS workflow_scheme_associated_workflow, jw.descriptor AS descriptor FROM PROJECT p LEFT OUTER JOIN nodeassociation na ON na.source_node_id = p.id AND na.sink_node_entity = 'WorkflowScheme' JOIN workflowscheme ws ON ws.id = na.sink_node_id JOIN workflowschemeentity wse ON wse.scheme = ws.id JOIN jiraworkflows jw ON jw.workflowname = wse.workflow WHERE descriptor like '%com.googlecode.jsu%' or descriptor like '%ch.beecom.jira.jsu%';

To activate a workflow, include it in a workflow scheme and associate that workflow scheme with a project