How to configure workflow transition differently for the projects that use the same workflow

This article helps in configuring the workflow transition by using JQL Condition(JSU) app for the workflow that is being used by one or more projects. This way, the workflow transition behaves differently for the projects, based on the condition set.

Use cases:

  • How to configure the workflow transition for the workflow that is being used by two projects based on the custom field values

  • How to hide the transition from the issue view screen when the conditions are not met for the custom field of type radio buttons

  • How to prevent the transition from happening on the issue view screen if the JQL Condition(JSU) didn’t satisfy


  1. Edit the workflow that is associated with your project.

  2. Select any transition where the conditions have to be added.

  3. Select the Conditions tab and click Add Condition.

  4. Select the JQL Condition(JSU) and click Add.

  5. Add the JQL Expression for one project as shown below:

    project = "Kanban Project - Software" AND key = {issue.key} AND ("Demo" is NOT EMPTY )

    Here, Demo is a custom field of type Radio Button and has values Yes and No. For this project, the condition is set in such a way that the custom field Demo should not be empty. That means, if the value for this field is not selected then the transition button will not be visible to the user on the issue view screen who is trying to perform the transition within that project.

  6. Select the Number of Issues found as Must find issues.


  7. Also, add the other JQL Expression for the other project as shown below:

    project = "Scrum Project -Software" AND key = {issue.key} AND ("Demo" in (No, Yes) OR "Demo" is EMPTY )

    For this project, the condition is that the custom field Demo can be empty or can have values Yes or No in it.

  8. Select the Number of Issues found as Must find issues.


  9. Now, from the dropdown choose Any of the conditions and publish the workflow.


  10. In order to test this scenario:

    1. Create an issue in the first project and try to perform the transition without inputting the value for the custom field and check whether you are able to view the transition button on the issue view screen or not.

    2. Create an issue in the second project with/without inputting the value for the custom field and see whether you are able to perform the transition to the next status or not.