Cloud-to-cloud/ Cloud-to-DC migration in Agile Poker app
This page is to explain the Cloud-to-cloud migration in the Agile Poker application.
This page can also be used as a template to send to the customer.
Example of Issue
To migrate from one cloud site to another, Agile Poker is installed and used on the source site.
To consolidate several on-prem and cloud instances into one “central” instance that will hold all projects/initiatives related to IT/Digital activities.
Migrate via a built-in feature that Atlassian made available a few months back (this is a method recommended by Atlassian).
Migrate by recreating backups on Server/DC and using the JCMA.
Sample Answer
There is no cloud-to-cloud or cloud-to-DC migration.
As a workaround, you can install Agile Poker on the new Cloud instance and start using it from scratch.
The only data you miss will be the estimation sessions created in the old Jira instance.
The current configurations of existing Agile Poker sessions will not be migrated, while all estimation data (that is stored in Jira) will be migrated as usual.
Also, please note that you can use Agile Poker as usual. However, Agile Poker sessions have to be created manually per board the target instance.