Troubleshoot Application Server Based Data Sources - 11.x

Troubleshoot Application Server Based Data Sources - 11.x

The SQL for Confluence (Pro Edition) app version 11.x has removed the support for application server-defined data sources in Confluence 8.x. (Atlassian has ended support for the data source connections in Confluence 8.0. For more information, refer to Configuring a data source connection.)

In Confluence 8.x, we recommend reconfiguring the application server-defined data source profile to the connection string profile. For more information, refer to How to convert an application server defined data source profile to a connection string profile.

SQL for Confluence (Pro Edition) app version 11.x works seamlessly with Confluence 7.x (Confluence 7.4 to Confluence 7.20) versions, including support for application server-defined data sources (JNDI data source connections).


This page lists the most common errors and examples. The resolution steps for data source profiles or application server based data sources (application server) might differ. In most cases, you will see common error messages like Error rendering macro 'sql' or Error rendering macro 'sql-query'

  • Double check the configuration values and verify if your JDBC driver is installed in the correct location.
  • Make sure you restart Confluence after you make configuration changes to server.xml or an equivalent application server (if you are using a different application server).
  • Make sure your database is configured using remote access to the Confluence server with a user name and password (Need to check this). If you face any problems, connect using an independent SQL client from the server to verify the access. Consult your database documentation to know how to configure remote access and database permissions.

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