SMS Sender configuration

SMS Sender configuration

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SMS Support 

As of today, we provide support for two Romanian SMS gateway providers.  Kepler-Rominfo - a product called KR-EMS and Netopia  - see https://www.web2sms.ro/. We're open to add more providers, and if you are interested in such a functionality, let us know.

After each configuration change, you will need to stop / start SIL Engine™ or restart Jira.

KR-EMS Provider Configuration

This provider has been bundled inside, and requires a simple configuration file, named `enms.properties` in the <JIRA_HOME>/kepler folder. It's the same path where the cPrime licenses (e.g. for Power Scripts for Jira) are located. Edit the file and add the following entries:

enms.default.sender=<phone number>

You also need to replace <username>, <password> and <phone number> with the values provided by the KR EMS team.

Fields are:

  • enms.user is the username to authenticate against the web service end point
  • enms.password is the password to authenticate against the web service end point
  • enms.endpoint is the URL where the web service is located
  • enms.default.sender is the default sender phone number that is used by the web service to send messages with
  • enms.unicode enables or disables the unicode text representation

NETOPIA Provider Configuration

NETOPIA provider is built-in, too, and it can be configured in the similar way as above. You need to create a file, named 'netopia.properties', readable by Jira process, in the <JIRA_HOME>/kepler directory, containing the following entries:

netopia.default.sender=<default sender>
netopia.validity=<validity of the message>
netopia.scheduleDate.format=<format of the scheduled date>
netopia.scheduleDate=<scheduled date>
netopia.callbackUrl=<url of the callback, if any>

For more details, contact the NETOPIA SMS provider.

Restart Jira to put into effect your new SMS configuration. Each change requires a restart.