Comala Share It Retirement

Comala Share It will be retired on 15 April 2024.

3.0 Release Notes

Comala Share It 3.0

Apr 30, 2015

Comala Share It 3.0 is a major feature release including a new name and branding along with a redesigned share page user interface.


Install through the plugin manager or download from Atlassian Marketplace.

What's New?

Other updates and bugfixes

  • Java Heap Memory bug

    • fixed this memory issue preventing pages with large or numerous attachments from being shared

  • Links Overview bug

    • fixed a problem displaying some shared links in the shared links overview screen

  • RefinedWiki bug

    • fixed problem with the Share Attachments and Pages button when using our add-on together with RefinedWiki themes

  • Cache Issue

    • fixed a problem with big shared pages and the flushing of caches that caused problems on some instances

Removed and deprecated functionality

We have removed some features that existed in the original Share Attachments plugin that were little used or were no longer appropriate following the user interface updates.

  • attachment lists at the bottom of all shared pages is no longer added

    • the confluence attachments macro is available if an attachment list is required

  • attachment links now open in the browser by default

    • there is no longer a setting to control this

  • social sharing shortcuts Facebook and Twitter have been removed

  • ability to shorten links using Google URL shortener has been removed

  • page snapshots sharing has been removed

    • if a page snapshot is required it is always possible to export a page via pdf and share it as an attachment